Comenity Bank – Reviews and Complaints 2024 (2024)

Table of Contents
File your complaint in the below form... Comenity is scam bank Credit card line opened without authorization Comenity Bank is TRASH!!! Scam Community Sucks Scam bank that hits you with illegitimate charges Scammers beware and very poor customer service! CANCEL YOUR CARD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away from Commenty Bank as a credit Card issuer Scammers Scammers Worst credit card bank I have ever dealt with Buncha BS Fraudulent use of an account Scammmmm Biglots card charged fees after closed Don’t do business with them crooked fraud bank Change due dare during Covid Virus Nasty Customer Service!! THE BIGGEST SCAM CARD EVER WITH BJ'S Extremely annoyed with numerous calls per day from Comenity Bank. Bank bank and credit policy Closed account two months ago Made a payment by phone and asked for an email confirmation Horrible. Your Account Protection department is a sad representation of customer service! not does anyone with whom I've spoken. This Place Is Bad Avoid this place like the plague! Unfortunately dealing with this rip off bank. There should be an opportunity to give negative stars. I'm a Licensed Financial Adviser and deal with this bank almost everyday. STOP CALLING ME, you jerks!!! In September I purchased $37.63 in merchandise from Christopher Banks. Unethical Practices Stay AWAY from this bank for any credit cards! I am starting a class action complaint as well because I know there are others who had the same problem! Never Again While huddled in the darkness, without electricity and hearing the wind whipping my townhouse, Stay AWAY from this bank for any credit cards! I have been with Comenity Bank for three years and have three cards with them. I can't image any of the major banks that I deal with doing such a thing. SHAME ON YOU! Heartless Bastards! Stupid bank.I advice you not to have business with them. Comenity Bank may change billing cycles and due dates without notice. Even after I was on time with payments. Bad Service Comenity Bank is the worst bank ever and their practices are unlawful. Scammer Worst customer experience with IKEA bank/card I have ever had.. this credit card company is horrible. Terrible customer service. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!!! Yet still be in business and be profitable? Even if this was the correct number I would consider this harassment. Scammer Veronica was abhorrently rude No one should apply for a master card through BJ's. I will pay the balance and close the account! not honoring the Do-Not-Call-Registry. I am not satisfied at all!!

Public submissions

×Comenity Bank – Reviews and Complaints 2024 (2)

About Comenity Bank

Comenity Bank handles the retail credit card for Pottery Barn and is immensely frustrating to deal with.

I’ve been a cardholder for over 10 years and today I completely lost it because I have a large “rewards” for over $2000.

I applied it to an order, however the items are not being shipped until a week after my statement closing date so they said just go ahead and pay it and then you will have a credit balance?! Um, why should I be giving my cash to you so you can collect interest on it and wait for a refund when it should be deducted immediately when I make the purchase.

Currently at 5 phone calls with all different customer service agents who can’t help me and just keep transferring me to “someone” who knows how to do this and “can” help me.

Sweet jesus, do yourself a favor and just use an airline miles or hotel points credit card and run like hell from any of these dept. store brands.

I have been satisfied up until now, but am considering closing this account after this debacle.

Poor customer service. Over an hour of my time wasted and NO RESOLUTION.

File your complaint in the below form...

  1. Comenity is scam bank

    CCChris cunaginon July 10, 2023

    Comenity bank is an absolute scam of a bank. I had a credit card through buckle that was backed by Comenity bank. I paid card off in full and then received a bill the very next months for more charges. I paid these charges and closed the account and then received another bill for more charges. Contacted customer service to ask what this was if my account was closed. I kept being told it was late fees from when the card was active. They continued to charge me late fees and even reported it to credit causing my credit to drop 90 pts. I paid an additional late fee for this bank which I’d say uses this practice on a regular basis to generate more money in lowest way possible for people who are not made aware. Do you your homework and make sure this bank is not backing your retail credit card cause they will continue to ask for money no matter how many times you pay your bill.


  2. Credit card line opened without authorization

    JOJonathanon July 7, 2023

    Opened a credit line with this company and out of nowhere they added a 2nd line of credit without my knowledge!


  3. Comenity Bank is TRASH!!!

    SHShamicaon May 17, 2023

    I paid off my account on which included the final balance and on the same day the bank charged me $112.74 for interest fees on a zero balance. They continued billing for interest and late fees for accounts that I paid off. And when I called to rectify the issues, the service reps were very rude and wasn’t able to provide a good explanation to why my account was still being charge interest on my account that I paid off. They did not try to resolve the problem. Instead, I was left with paying interest and a late fee on an account that was paid off in full.


  4. Scam

    MAMAIon May 10, 2023

    I didn’t even opened a Comenity/Sephora Credit Card, but they sent me a letter that I spent 990$ in Sephora even though I never opened an account. I called for fraud, but they told me that I did open an account with my driver’s license. I requested proof that I opened that account, what I bought and my signature, but the bank investigation didn’t give me proof that I bought the stuff nor that I opened an account. They only told me that I did spent 990$ and opened an Comenity/Sephora Credit Card. This is getting ridiculous and I suspect that Sephora and Comenity bank are trying scam me for my money.


  5. Community Sucks

    TTTravis Talbotton April 5, 2023

    In our December bill we saw a group of charges all in the 101.00 dollars and share that made sense. Multiple charges and we call commodity bank and filed a fraud case. They said the would review it and get back to us. Then just before they transferred the BJ account to Capital One they put the disputed amount back on my account. We sent numerous emails and phone calls as to be told a report and letter would be sent. But it was never received . When we call they could not supply any answers. Next thing we know the account was moved to Capital one and now my dispute is all founded up. I got screwed royally in my opinion.


  6. Scam bank that hits you with illegitimate charges

    HKHetal Karanion March 18, 2023

    Hello, On 5/28/2022 I opened a Comenity/Sephora Credit Card I made a charge in October 2022 and paid it off in full in December and closed my account for good measure. This company has constantly hit me with delinquent payments and tanked my credit score by 100 points. 1/19/2023 – $105.00 delinquent payment 2/16/2023 – $148.00 delinquent payment Despite me calling them multiple times and asking them why I have these charges, they told me specifically that my account was closed. My credit score has been affected by 100 points – I can no longer apply for apartments with peace of mind. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


  7. Scammers beware and very poor customer service!

    JWJoanne Williamson February 10, 2023

    I have been scammed by Comenity bank. I made my payments in full always and they claim I did not. I provided proof of payment along with letter yet they refuse to apply payment to my account resulting in late fee charges and completely ruining my credit which I had perfect credit before this ridiculous matter!!! Awful company which refused to resolve this. I am out hundreds of dollars which only keeps building with late fees and very damaged credit!!! Do not do business with them!!!


  8. CANCEL YOUR CARD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NONORINEon January 24, 2023

    THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have fraud on my account but I can’t reach the Fraud dept for 2 days, but I’m getting 12 calls within 3 hours. I called Customer card and was told very nicely “to keep holding one day they will pick up”


  9. POphilip ocoinon January 18, 2023

    mailed a payment on the 28th of december, and the check didnt clear until January 17th, and we recieved a late charge. when you call to handle this. you hit #2 for english, and you get someone in bangledesh that cant speak english..


  10. Stay away from Commenty Bank as a credit Card issuer

    LALaurieon January 2, 2023

    This company is the worst to deal with. I pay my bill with them via my bank and they are so backwards, they dont accept electronic payments. Fine, my bank mails them a check. I learned the hard way, they will sit on the payment until right after the due date, then cash the check and charge you a late fee. This last time, I sent the payment 15 days before it was even due, sure enough, they cash it the day after it was due and this time, charge me two late fees, one for $35 and another for $29. Surely this must be illegal. Run, dont walk, from Commenty Bank.


  11. Scammers

    ARAmy Ron September 20, 2022

    Payment received on time. Charging fees that are not legit. Buyer beware


  12. Scammers

    ARAmy Ron September 20, 2022

    They are charging me fees after the payment was received on time. Poor and rude cutomer service.


  13. Worst credit card bank I have ever dealt with

    TTTim Teehanon June 25, 2022

    I called the bank to report a lost credit card 8 or 9 days ago. At that time they told me it would take 3 to 5 days to receive it. Today being day 8 or 9 I still have not received the card so I called to find out what was going on. I was informed by the bank representative i,they were going thru a system updates and I might not get the card for another week or two. Unreal!!!
    I voiced my frustration with this and hung up. I then went to my mailbox as the mail had just arrived and the card was in there. Really? This me think does anyone in this bank know what each other is doing? Why didn’t this emplyee who told me it may take another week or so to get my card not know it had already been sent to me?Again unbelievable!! So I called to activated my card and was told my card was now activated. I went to use it and it was declined. I then receive a text from Comenity Bank telling me my card has been locked. By the way the card is a My BJ perks card. So again I called the bank and was told sorry because of this system update we cannot check or activate cards at this time and check back next week.
    This is unreal.. I had , NO NOW ITS HAD, a vacation plan with my grandchildren for next week. This is my only credit card and I need it to charge the room on, for meals and things my grandchildren wanted to do.
    I no longer may have that option and won’t know till next week when the bank told me to call back. I can’t risk not knowing if I will have a card so I have to cancel this vacation, resulting in disappointment of my 2 young grandchildren and my heart broken as I watched them break down on tears.
    It’s totally screwed up my vacation and will be hurting my grandchildren. This is totally unacceptable I have never dealt with it dysfunctional group like this.
    In terms of their blaming this on a “scheduled system update?? Im not sure i by that.I worked in a major
    medicaI center where I was Directior of Nursing Infomatics. We had many system updates, but we never turned patients away saying, “sorry system update call next week and will see if we can accommodate you.
    I dont know if the bank got hacked,
    or are having financial issues or having done a web search of Commenitt and found numerous sites reporting problems people were having with their accounts, complaints of poor customer service etc. Master Card is wanting to dump the Bank from their list of service providers and Commenity is trying to negotiate a deal? Who knows!
    But my filing a complaint on this site is not my end to holding the Bank Accountable as I have other complaints I haven’t yet filed but I will be sure to continue addressing ths issue with others i.e. BJs, Mastercard organization, Better Business Bureaus, and Federal Regulatory groups


  14. Buncha BS

    BOBobbieon May 24, 2022

    RUN LIKE YOUR ON FIRE!!! Never again! after i pay ofF this account i will never deal with Comenity EVER again. Take a loyal customer and drop their credit limit for no reason ???? sfter years and years… jerks!


  15. Fraudulent use of an account

    ABAngela Burdenon May 11, 2022

    I just received a letter from Comenity Capital Bank about a credit card that I apparently had tried to open with IKEA Projekt credit card. I have never been to an IKEA, the closest one to where I live is over 200 miles from here. The envelope looked like cheap thin paper and the Comenity symbol didn’t look exactly right either.
    I just wanted to check and make sure that I haven’t been a victim of identity theft or fraud by someone using Comenity Capital Bank address and logo.

  16. Scammmmm Biglots card charged fees after closed

    SGShawn Greenon March 2, 2022

    I close the account after paying the final balance of $63. There was a bank error and they charge me a $29 return fund fee After I re-paid the $63. And then told them I didn’t realize that had happened and I had already close the account They proceeded to charge me a late fee which I did not pay. Then they would continuously send me bills for $73 or some thing a late fee and a return fee or two late fees. The beginning of this year I received a bill from them for $375 telling me that I owed him that much money now when I looked at the statement they stacked late fees every single month of $40. On a closed account capital letter close CLOSED account. Numerous phone calls in the customer service got me nowhere. They are scammers and I will never pay this money


  17. Don’t do business with them

    MIMikeon October 1, 2021

    Terrible company do not do business with anyone involved with this company. Disreputable companies partner with them and when you are scammed and never receive the product they side with the scammers and you still have to pay them for what you never received. At an absurd interest rate as well. Call support and they give you the run around and side with the scam company despite proof goods were not received. As long as the scam company says so they side with those bringing them money. I would not be surprised wife they got kickbacks from the scammers.


  18. crooked fraud bank

    MAmarucson July 14, 2021

    this is a fraud bank. do not put your money in this bank. they are thieves.


  19. Change due dare during Covid Virus

    GHGerald Hendersonon May 15, 2021

    I was having a bad time paying my bills on time during the beginning of the virus, I called and asked to change my due date to a later date, they said they couldn’t. I was like 2 days late, they charged me a late fee.and raised my payment so I didn’t pay them and my credit score dropped 100 points. What really gets me is that all of my other bills raised the due date so I could make the payment on time. I will not do any business with companies that do business with Comenity Bank. I’m 70 years old and never had a Bank this BAD


  20. Nasty Customer Service!!

    EEElmer ECTONon March 16, 2021

    They call you at crazy hours and want a payment is not due, they had 2 payments sent and 1 payment over the phone and payments was posted yet. Stay away from Comenity Bank Credit Cards.



    SWSharon Wason February 22, 2021

    My card was closed three years ago and all of a sudden I have been getting promotional charges, late fees and other charges which I have not made. I tried telling comenity Bank and BJ’S the card was closed three years ago, but they keep sending me bills with escalating charges. Since I refused to pay these bills, they have reported my non-payment history to the credit bureau which ruined my perfect credit score. I am on my seventh letter to Comenity and BJ’s to stop the billing and to restore my credit score. The personnel answering my calls are non-functional and dead as doorknobs. They promise to look into the problem, but I still am getting bills. My next step is the Attorney General’s office and the Better Business Bureau. Stay away from Comenity. They are crooks and are ready to steal your money at the drop of a hat. There is no customer service or anyone that may assist you. This has been going on for over one year now and there is no end in sight.


  22. Extremely annoyed with numerous calls per day from Comenity Bank.

    JRJoe Robertson December 9, 2020

    I have no credit or debt, yet I am receiving 4 or 5 calls per day at all hours from Comenity Bank. I have blocked several of their numbers. I have read many accounts they are an unscrupulous company and often try to scam people. Their constant calls are extremely annoying!!!


  23. Bank bank and credit policy

    KTKhoa Tranon April 2, 2020

    They will continue to drain, and finance charges your account without notifying you. They said they’ve sent me emails to tell me about my charges. I’ve checked my email and even phone calls every day and have not seen anything regarding late/finance charges. I’ve made a payment scheduled for that month, and they said since its new, they put a hundred dollars finance charge on my card. I called them to ask them to take it off since I’ve already made the payment, and they withdrew my money again a few days later. They will not try to dispute anything against the finance charge, except defer the amount, but I’ll continue to get the finance charge for how many days/months my payment is deferred in addition to my remaining balance.

    They do not have a payment leniency policy if the customer pays a couple of days after unlike other big credit card companies. Which will allow late waived of late fees within 14-30 days after the payment is due. Because, why would they? They want your money! And its FREE money from yours to them, so why would they take it off those extra advantages? Make sure you be extra careful when applying with this bank company. Keep EXTRA care. I wouldn’t recommend open any credit lines with them—lousy company’s policy and customer service level. The executive administration should be change.


  24. Closed account two months ago

    JNJerry Nalleyon February 11, 2020

    I paid off my card two months ago on December 6th. I then cancelled it. Fast forward to today Feb 10th. I get a call from a probable scam on my phone but the were with Comenity Bank (scam artist) I was curious on what they may want. Well apparently when I closed my account it was late. I wasn’t informed of this by customer service on the day that I paid it and canceled. I just wanted nothing to do with them being associated with Caesar’s Palace. She understood and apologized and said she hated to lose me. I now have a 102 dollar charge from a late fee that I was unaware of and non payment of bills. The problem was they didn’t have my correct address and had been sending it there. But they have the correct phone number. I asked for copies of all bills and my copy of my application. They supposedly can mail my copies of old mail but they can’t access my application after 1 month. It’s been 5 months today. They can’t even send original terms of contract. I was passed around with help being promised but in the end it wasn’t their fault. It was the reporting credit agency that they used for giving them the wrong address. Since I didn’t ask on Dec 6th when my bill was do it wasn’t her responsibility to divulge that info. So late fee coming wasn’t something that should be discussed because I didn’t ask. ???? I’m absolutely amazed that these people are in business. They have my correct address now and interest and everything will be on my bill because they can’t reverse a cancelled card. SMH! The worst credit card experience ever. Complete frauds and they do it legally with terrible attitudes. Zero stars should be an option. Complete joke and I’ll speak to my bank and possibly a lawyer but they won’t get my money.


  25. Made a payment by phone and asked for an email confirmation

    DGDirk Garciaon July 17, 2019

    I would give 0 star if allowed, these guys are complete morons that have not commitment to the customer in the least. Made a payment by phone and asked for an email confirmation,

    he would not accept or provide a record of the transaction and stated that my own bank would provide the transaction confirmation. Asked to escalate to a supervisor, he placed me on hold, checked a couple times to see if I would wait it out and then disconnected me.
    Avoid this place like the plague!


  26. Horrible.

    MJMary Jacksonon June 22, 2019

    Horrible. They’re terribly rude on the phone, demanding your full SS number before even identifying who they are representing and what they want. I always pay my bills on time and use auto payments,

    which they said they couldn’t do so when I was accidentally two days late, they sent MULTIPLE texts, phone calls and emails EACH DAY. I’m getting away from these people ASAP.


  27. Your Account Protection department is a sad representation of customer service!

    ZTZenobia Thomason June 22, 2019

    Where I haven’t had a problem with any card I have associated with Comenity, I have received 2 calls at this time from someone stating I should return a call to 800-520-1511 immediately relating to my accounts. I placed the call only to be referred to a dating site! Each time (today being the latest) I called Comenity to report the call.

    The first call reacted, as I did, with confusion and disdain that the company was being misrepresented. However, the call today (answered by “Belinda” and her consultation with her supervisor “Morgan” I was advised to disregard the call! Really?

    Are you not concerned with the misrepresentation of your company? When I asked for the president’s name ( so I could write to him), Belinda told me to google it! Your Account Protection department is a sad representation of customer service!


  28. not does anyone with whom I've spoken.

    MAMargaret Andersonon June 22, 2019

    Due to the lack of verifying, by requiring an email or actual US mail verification, that it was me who had applied for a credit card, or even requiring income info, etc. – PayPal, on behalf of Comenity Bank approved a fraudulent credit account in my name, based on info about me that had been hacked online.

    Rather than owning up to their lax, shoddy business practices, and closing the account and deleting the two small charges accrued, they are making me – the victim – jump through hoops to prove my innocence. All they had to do was contact me by phone,

    email or physical address – which PayPal already had on record – and ask for verification that it was me applying, and they didn’t even do that. I know of no other credit/bank account that does not require verification, not does anyone with whom I’ve spoken.


  29. This Place Is Bad

    RTRyan Tayloron June 22, 2019

    comenity bank is the lender for paypal credit. i contacted the fdic…hope they get to the bottom of this shady bank.


  30. Avoid this place like the plague!

    DMDirk Mooreon June 22, 2019

    I would give 0 star if allowed, these guys are complete morons that have not commitment to the customer in the least. Made a payment by phone and asked for an email confirmation,

    he would not accept or provide a record of the transaction and stated that my own bank would provide the transaction confirmation. Asked to escalate to a supervisor, he placed me on hold, checked a couple times to see if I would wait it out and then disconnected me.
    Avoid this place like the plague!


  31. Unfortunately dealing with this rip off bank.

    SSSteve Smithon June 11, 2019

    Unfortunately dealing with this rip off bank. Paid off a credit card for my elderly mom. They told me the amount she owed over the phone . So I paid that amount in full .

    A few weeks later they sent me a balance of $2.13 or something like that . No new purchases. So I ignored it as I paid them in full based on what they told me . Now they are adding fees and late charges on to the $2.13. Get your figures right. It’s not that difficult .


  32. There should be an opportunity to give negative stars.

    MKMark Kon June 11, 2019

    There should be an opportunity to give negative stars. I have never been late with a payment or have I ever missed a payment, their “customer appreciation” is that at the end of August my interest rate is going to go up to 27.5%. I called to cancel/close my account because Kay Jewelers isn’t worth that rate.

    If enough customers were to close their credit cards accounts that a being “serviced” by Comenity, then just maybe the retailers that use them to handle their credit services will “fire” this greedy company.


  33. I'm a Licensed Financial Adviser and deal with this bank almost everyday.

    TMThaly Murrayon June 11, 2019

    I’m a Licensed Financial Adviser and deal with this bank almost everyday. I usually negotiate payment arrangements for my customers with lower interest rates and minimum payments.

    If you want to know about it just email me at and I’ll send you a proposal. We call the bank together and apply the rates over the phone, you receive a letter in the mail in 7-10 business days with your new terms an conditions.


  34. STOP CALLING ME, you jerks!!!

    GGGrammy Gomezon June 11, 2019

    I DO NOT have an account that is any way connected to this bank! Yet, I receive multiple phone calls (sometimes several times a day) from varying area codes/phone numbers with a recorded message telling me there has been a change in “my account” – probably a late fee, I’m guessing – and that I should call them immediately.

    I never get to talk with a human to ask them to stop calling me because I have NO account with their bank. Someone in authority really needs to do something about this horrible organization. I’m quite sure they are scamming people out of their money, and other illegal activities. And from the reviews I’m reading, they are doing JUST THAT!! STOP CALLING ME, you jerks!!!


  35. In September I purchased $37.63 in merchandise from Christopher Banks.

    AMAnn Marshallon June 11, 2019

    In September I purchased $37.63 in merchandise from Christopher Banks. I paid that invoice in full by the due date of September 5,. The amount was not posted until September 7. As a result the amount was adjusted to $28.43. The logic of this escapes me. I denied the charges with a call and letter to Christopher Banks.


  36. Unethical Practices

    DADaveon June 7, 2019

    Comenity is the credit card company for Pottery Barn. They are deceptive and I believe criminal in their actions.. We ordered some furniture from Pottery Barn in November of 2018 and then when they were unable to deliver it for some time we cancelled the order. I must add we had paperless Comenity Statements. In January they sent us a notice of late payment. So in late January 2019. I immediately called the credit card company after receiving the late notice and they were great. I explained the situation and they called Pottery Barn and then they credited the purchase of $1500.00 along with ALL the interest and late fees. Then when I looked at the February statement I had an interest charge of $32.21 on a balance of $177.86 plus the $32.21. I was extremely busy so I sent them $300.00 knowing I would deal with this issue when I had time. Finally in May I spent some time to call them and explain the situation and that there was no way there should be a $32.21 charge in interest on a $177.86 balance. They said they would put in a dispute and get back to me. Today I called them and was on the phone for over an hour speaking to one employee and then her supervisor. Speaking to the employee today she claims that the interest rate is 28.99% EVERY MONTH! I told her she was incorrect and that would be illegal. She stood by that ridiculous statement. I asked to be transferred to her supervisor, which I was. He explained to me they were charging me interest on the revolving balance on the returned items because the return credit was not posted until late in January. My point is they admitted the charge and interest was not valid and that is why it was all refunded in January, interest, late fee and purchase price. They do that and then charge the interest the next month AFTER the money was refunded because I had a balance of $177.86 which triggered the revolving balance interest. Remember the first person told me 28.99% of 177.86 was the $32.21. Poor math for someone working for a bank. However, here’s the real kicker, the supervisor said “you already paid it so there is nothing we can do” I did explain that I had been busy and paid it to buy me some time to get to a point where I had time to deal with trying to recoup my lousy 32 dollars. IT’S CRIMINAL. They should train their people better and they should take better care of their customers. So for $32.00 dollars I will spend any free time I have and find forums to post my experience. I hope it was worth it for them and I hope you all take notice and boycott Comenity and Pottery Barn for their association with Commenity. Please also notice complaints flow into this site almost daily about them. I have a number of cards and never have issues with anyone else. Please avoid them.


  37. Stay AWAY from this bank for any credit cards!

    KWKevin Watsonon May 31, 2019

    Stay AWAY from this bank for any credit cards! I paid my balance in full. They sent back my check that they had admittedly damaged in their machine. I had to call multiple times as they then had the audacity to charge us a late fee.

    They finally got the right department to remove charge and interest now on late fee. We said we wanted to close acct as well since we were so unhappy with the time and handling of this matter. They closed the acct but never removed the late fees and charged even more interest.

    We had to call again only to be told now that the account is closed they cannot adjust any fees. We have to now write a letter to file a billing dispute. I have never seen such unprofessionalism in a company, nor sure lack of response for an error they created and made worse!!!


  38. I am starting a class action complaint as well because I know there are others who had the same problem!

    NSNichole Simpsonon May 31, 2019

    I have been with Comenity Bank for three years and have three cards with them. I have a Meijers Card, Victoria Secret and The Buckle card. Over the three years, I have had my credit limit raised on each account and have a high credit limit. I have always been on time with my payments.

    Recently, Comenity Bank LOWERED my credit limit from $1500.00 to $300.00 after a payment of $1400.00 was made on my account. My Meijer and Buckle credit limits remain at $1450 and $1300.

    This is completely unfair as I feel they just took my money and I do not get any of that as my available credit. Instead they lower me down to a limit a brand new customer would receive upon opening an account. I am starting a class action complaint as well because I know there are others who had the same problem!


  39. Never Again

    MMMaria Murrayon May 31, 2019

    My 87 year old aunt buys her clothes from Blair. She is hard of hearing and partially blind. Her one and only credit card is for Blair through Comenity Bank. She is of the generation that would rather go hungry then be in debt. She recently received a letter from Comenity Bank that said they cancelled her account. Why? Did she ever miss a payment?

    NO! Was she ever late with her payment? NO! Apparently, they sent her a letter because her account was “missing vital information”. When we called and said she had never gotten a letter, their response was, “She just has to reapply for the credit”. Really? She has been a customer in good standing for over a decade and they supposedly sent one letter, got no response, and then cancel her account.

    No phone calls. No follow up letter. What vital information were they missing? They know her name, her SS#, where she lives, her bank account information. This upset her so much for no reason. This bank is the absolute worst! I can’t image any of the major banks that I deal with doing such a thing. SHAME ON YOU!


  40. While huddled in the darkness, without electricity and hearing the wind whipping my townhouse,

    KMKathleen Marshallon May 31, 2019

    Heartless Bastards! In case you were in a coma for the last 12 days, a little something called Hurricane Florence came to visit North and South Carolina. While huddled in the darkness, without electricity and hearing the wind whipping my townhouse,

    my phone was screaming with Weather Alerts, and Tornado Warnings and non-stop phone calls from Comenity Bank wanting to know when my payment would be made!!!!

    I answered the first call and was met by the most uncaring human (?) being EVER! Speaking to a woman in Colorado who had no clue what I was going through just wanted me to make the payment now over the phone!!!

    After that I let the non-stop phone calls go unanswered because I could not waste the charge on my cell phone talking to a brick wall. I contacted HSN and told them about Comenity and their heartless treatment and said I would pay the account off and never shop with them


  41. Stay AWAY from this bank for any credit cards!

    AHAmber Holmeson May 22, 2019

    Stay AWAY from this bank for any credit cards! I paid my balance in full. They sent back my check that they had admittedly damaged in their machine. I had to call multiple times as they then had the audacity to charge us a late fee.

    They finally got the right department to remove charge and interest now on late fee. We said we wanted to close acct as well since we were so unhappy with the time and handling of this matter. They closed the acct but never removed the late fees and charged even more interest.

    We had to call again only to be told now that the account is closed they cannot adjust any fees. We have to now write a letter to file a billing dispute. I have never seen such unprofessionalism in a company, nor sure lack of response for an error they created and made worse!!!


  42. I have been with Comenity Bank for three years and have three cards with them.

    NSNichole Stewarton May 22, 2019

    I have been with Comenity Bank for three years and have three cards with them. I have a Meijers Card, Victoria Secret and The Buckle card. Over the three years, I have had my credit limit raised on each account and have a high credit limit.

    I have always been on time with my payments. Recently, Comenity Bank LOWERED my credit limit from $1500.00 to $300.00 after a payment of $1400.00 was made on my account. My Meijer and Buckle credit limits remain at $1450 and $1300.

    This is completely unfair as I feel they just took my money and I do not get any of that as my available credit. Instead they lower me down to a limit a brand new customer would receive upon opening an account. I am starting a class action complaint as well because I know there are others who had the same problem!


  43. I can't image any of the major banks that I deal with doing such a thing. SHAME ON YOU!

    KWKaren Wrighton May 22, 2019

    My 87 year old aunt buys her clothes from Blair. She is hard of hearing and partially blind. Her one and only credit card is for Blair through Comenity Bank. She is of the generation that would rather go hungry then be in debt. She recently received a letter from Comenity Bank that said they cancelled her account. Why? Did she ever miss a payment?

    NO! Was she ever late with her payment? NO! Apparently, they sent her a letter because her account was “missing vital information”. When we called and said she had never gotten a letter, their response was, “She just has to reapply for the credit”. Really?

    She has been a customer in good standing for over a decade and they supposedly sent one letter, got no response, and then cancel her account. No phone calls. No follow up letter. What vital information were they missing?

    They know her name, her SS#, where she lives, her bank account information. This upset her so much for no reason. This bank is the absolute worst! I can’t image any of the major banks that I deal with doing such a thing. SHAME ON YOU!


  44. Heartless Bastards!

    KBKathleen Bennetton May 22, 2019

    Heartless Bastards! In case you were in a coma for the last 12 days, a little something called Hurricane Florence came to visit North and South Carolina.

    While huddled in the darkness, without electricity and hearing the wind whipping my townhouse, my phone was screaming with Weather Alerts, and Tornado Warnings and non-stop phone calls from Comenity Bank wanting to know when my payment would be made!!!!

    I answered the first call and was met by the most uncaring human (?) being EVER! Speaking to a woman in Colorado who had no clue what I was going through just wanted me to make the payment now over the phone!!! After that I let the non-stop phone calls go unanswered because I could not waste the charge on my cell phone talking to a brick wall.

    I contacted HSN and told them about Comenity and their heartless treatment and said I would pay the account off and never shop with them


  45. Stupid bank.I advice you not to have business with them.

    YWYuliya Watsonon May 22, 2019

    Stupid bank.I advice you not to have business with them. I opened Bath Bed & Beyond credit card in August, used it several times, even did not make a first payment, then I applied for Ikea Credit card. I did not have an idea that both of them were issued by the same Comenity bank.

    While I was applying, my credit score was 700, and then after I applied the score went down to 660, and this stupid bank sent me a letter stating that they close both of my accounts because my score went to 660. I tried to explain them that that happened because I had applied for their cards.

    The rude lade on the phone told me that they could even close my account after 6 months if my score went lower. That is ridiculous. Never happened to me. Ikea, BB&B need to consider the bank policy who issues their credit cards!!!!!!!!!!!!


  46. Comenity Bank may change billing cycles and due dates without notice.

    LLLouis Lawtheron May 14, 2019

    Comenity Bank may change billing cycles and due dates without notice. This results in late charges regardless of balance. They would not credit my account even though my payment was late due to a change in their billing cycle. High interest rate on card. Comenity is often referred to as ‘Chlamydia’ Bank. Just like the STD, it causes pain!!


  47. Even after I was on time with payments.

    BEBernard Eon May 14, 2019

    Comenity Bank is the worst bank ever and their practices are unlawful. They called someone that I have no affiliations with and told them I listed them as a reference. Which could have had be bought up open fraud charges. Even after I was on time with payments.


  48. Bad Service

    BTBen Ton May 14, 2019

    I was rejected for a card 1st because I’ve never been late or had other negative actions reported, while maintaining a high borrow % limit on the many little cards I have (which I think means I could use more credit limit). 12 years of credit history isn’t long enough,

    while 12 years is also too long. Based on other reviews regarding ridiculous late fees I think they really rejected me because they would have a hard time making money on me having never been late with the many small credit limit cards I already have. I think it’s best I don’t deal with them after reading other reviews on how desperate the company is for charging fees.


  49. Comenity Bank is the worst bank ever and their practices are unlawful.

    BHBernard Harrisonon May 4, 2019

    Comenity Bank is the worst bank ever and their practices are unlawful. They called someone that I have no affiliations with and told them I listed them as a reference. Which could have had be bought up open fraud charges. Even after I was on time with payments.


  50. Scammer

    BMBen Martinon May 4, 2019

    I was rejected for a card 1st because I’ve never been late or had other negative actions reported, while maintaining a high borrow % limit on the many little cards I have (which I think means I could use more credit limit). 12 years of credit history isn’t long enough,

    while 12 years is also too long. Based on other reviews regarding ridiculous late fees I think they really rejected me because they would have a hard time making money on me having never been late with the many small credit limit cards I already have. I think it’s best I don’t deal with them after reading other reviews on how desperate the company is for charging fees.


  51. Worst customer experience with IKEA bank/card I have ever had..

    AAAleksei Andrewson May 4, 2019

    Applied for IKEA basic card, have got it in two weeks with 6k limit. Used it for two weeks almost bought everything that I need and they closed my card without any notifications, no emails, no mails.

    OMG!!! How?! Why!!! After the support call which was “outsorcing” barely qualified to answer the calls. This person from 3rd try finally has found my account and explained that they can change their desicion in 3 month after application.


  52. this credit card company is horrible.

    AGAnton Gardneron May 4, 2019

    this credit card company is horrible. specifically mariah from the colorado office number 1739. i would fire her if she worked for my company the way she handled my issue and spoke.


  53. Terrible customer service.

    JDJared Druryon April 27, 2019

    Will make changes to your account, or even close it, with no advance notice. I’d like to keep using my Trek card, but now that I’ve experienced their lack-luster business, I’m going elsewhere.



    WCWendy Crookon April 27, 2019

    I opened an account at the local Stage store. When I went back a month later asking to pay off my account since I had received no credit card or statement, I was told that it takes 6 weeks to get either one. A month later I received a call from Comenity Bank stating that my account was two months past due.

    I informed them that I had never received a card or statement. They gave me an address that I haven’t resided at in 10 years. I told them this wasn’t the address I provided and that the only way they got that address is from my credit report. I was told they would update my address and if I didn’t receive a statement in two weeks to call an 800 number.

    Two weeks later no statement or card. I call the 800 number to be told that my P O Box had been changed but the old city and state were still listed. So my statement is still being mailed to the wrong address. In the meantime I look at my credit report to find that my credit score has dropped 100 Points due to Comenity Bank reporting my account past due 30-59 days!!!!!

    I’m furious!!!! Now because I opened a $200 account while buying winter coats for my grandsons, it will take me months to get my credit score corrected. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!…


  55. Yet still be in business and be profitable?

    MMMichael Mckeeon April 27, 2019

    The only conclusion i can make is that this company intentionally does not honor ANYTHING! I am shocked that a CLASS ACTION has not yet been brought!!!!!

    How can you have so many bads reviews and the only good reviews come from employees and friends.


  56. Even if this was the correct number I would consider this harassment.

    JBJim Boothon April 23, 2019

    Have received four calls this morning from Comenity Bank for someone who has never lived at my house. Even if this was the correct number I would consider this harassment.


  57. Scammer

    KBKayla Bennetton April 23, 2019

    When asking to speak to her supervisor or a tech assistant regarding the website, Veronica continued expressing her annoyance in her tone and bluntly told me “they do not do that.” She then said “MAIL your complaint to the following address: Comenity bank, PO box 183003, Columbus, Ohio 43218 along with your account number, name, and a brief description.” WHAT CENTURY ARE WE IN?!

    I am in disbelief and absolutely disgusted with the way she treated me. I would NEVER recommend having any type of account or relationship with Comenity Bank, unless you’re wanting to feel degraded and discriminated against after seeking help regarding a dispute.


  58. Veronica was abhorrently rude

    SPsheila Parkeron April 23, 2019

    In a phone call totaling over a half hour, Credit Card Service & Customer Representative Veronica (Agent # 1291) was not helpful whatsoever. I called around Noon MT to dispute ANOTHER charge on my account (I was incorrectly and inconveniently charged twice for the same purchase several weeks prior and already went through that nightmare once).
    Veronica was abhorrently rude,

    and inconsistent with her response and direction in an attempt to assist me online with correctly navigating the website so I could see where to enter account information regarding payments. After over 20 minutes of arguing with me that there are red letters discerning where to enter checking account information (no such red letters appear anywhere on my screen when logging in via Safari),

    I concluded that our screens must show different things and Veronica explicitly told ME that I must be the reason the website is not user friendly because she could see it on her end. I have screenshots of my page to show what the website looks like with an updated Safari browser an


  59. No one should apply for a master card through BJ's.

    BFBob Foxon April 23, 2019

    BJ Club, Comenity capital bank is doing great harm to your company, in how they handle your master card program. They lie and will do nothing to fix a problem. No one should apply for a master card through BJ’s.


  60. I will pay the balance and close the account!

    AKAlicia Kenleyon April 18, 2019

    Just the worst rewards program out there hands down! Bad customer service and inept people. I was purchasing an outdoor dining set from Pottery Barn so I opened an account because of the rewards program. A week later I received a coupon which would have saved me $600 so I went to the store to see what they could do about it.

    They would do nothing so I cancelled the order and purchased it again using the coupon. Now I have two charges on my credit card account of over $8,000. Still haven’t received the furniture yet they are charging me interest on two purchases even though one was cancelled.

    Going back to the store tomorrow to try and figure out why the cancellation is not showing on my credit card account. Nothing but headaches! Once I get this straightened out and get my rewards certificate (fingers crossed on that) I will pay the balance and close the account!


  61. not honoring the Do-Not-Call-Registry.

    JBJonathan Buffreyon April 18, 2019

    This company is in violation of the TCPA. They need to STOP CALLING.
    Comenity Bank has faced several allegations of violating TCPA. Here are some examples of TCPA violations:

    Calling at odd hours and contacting consumers late at night and early in the morning. Calling the consumer at their workplace and leaving a message about the debt with the person who answers the call.

    Calling and not identifying themselves or their purpose. Not identifying the entity to whom debt is owed. Calling and talking about the debt without first verifying if the consumer owes it or not. Not honoring a consumer’s wishes to not call them; not honoring the Do-Not-Call-Registry.


  62. I am not satisfied at all!!

    LBLinda Bronitton April 18, 2019

    I am not satisfied at all!! I called Customer Service because I was trying to make a payment on my account on the day it was due and because it was 8:15 p.m. I was advised by your very rude overseas call center that I would be charged a $25.00 late fee. I then spoke to someone in the United States who again would not budge regarding this issue.

    This is highly offensive and perhaps a violation of the Fair Credit Act (I will investigate further). I find it distressing that although I paid well over the amount due on the due date (by a customer who has consistently paid well over the minimum due on my account each month) that Comenity would be so rigid and anti-customer service that they would insist on this policy,

    again from a customer who has always kept their account in good standing. I will pay the remaining balance due minus the $25.00 dollar fee you insist on charging and again will investigate this issue regarding the Fair Credit Act and will note a review on the major websites regarding your lack of customer service.


Comenity Bank – Reviews and Complaints 2024 (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.