Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (2024)

Last updated on Sep 05, 2024 at 20:58by Slo22 comments

General Information

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to playMarksmanship Hunter in a PvP environment. The guide will cover everything fromtalent choices, PvP talents, gameplay and rotation, and useful racial bonuses. Itis most applicable to Arena content, but most talents and racial bonuses willwork in Rated Battlegrounds and skirmishes.

If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Hunter PvP guide.

Marksmanship Hunter is a consistently underrated Hunter specialization withenormous burst and crowd control potential.

The Marksmanship damage rotation seems simple at first but leaves a lot ofspace for skill expression and outplay potential. There is almost no "ramp"in the damage rotation, which combined with the longest range in the gamemakes Marksmanship Hunters lethal when switching targets, even when they do notcommit long cooldowns.

Once you are comfortable setting up your burst so that it does not getinterrupted, timing your crowd control windows, and maximizing your consistentdamage outside of cooldowns, Marksmanship is an incredibly fun and rewardingspecialization.

Marksmanship rewards opportunistic and aggressive play. You win by setups,bursts, and punishing enemies that misuse defensives or position poorly.Marksmanship is not a spec that wins by attrition or dampening, and anaggressive playstyle is how it competes with other specializations thatmay be more forgiving when it comes to defensive play or crowd control.


Marksmanship Hunter Strengths and Weaknesses

Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (1)Strengths

  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (2)High sustained damage when freecasting
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (3)High burst damage and cleave when using Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (4) Volley/Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (5) Salvo
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (6)Good mobility and kiting tools
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (7)Mortal strike from pets
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (8)Support for team with Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (9) Roar of Sacrifice, Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (10) Master's Call, or Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (11) Interlope
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (12)Multiple control crowd options in Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (13) Intimidation, Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (14) Binding Shot, Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (15) Freezing Trap, Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (16) High Explosive Trap, Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (17) Scatter Shot/Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (18) Bursting Shot, Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (19) Entrapment, and Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (20) Consecutive Concussion

Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (21)Weaknesses

  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (22)Weak to teams with multiple stuns and other instant crowd control
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (23)Needs help from teammates to land crowd control
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (24)Crowd control has comparatively long cooldowns compared to other ranged specs
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (25)Heavily relies on landing Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (26) Freezing Trap at the right moment and timing Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (27) Scatter Shot effectively
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (28)Being able to do damage effectively relies on having knowledge of which targets are able to stop your casts
  • Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (29)Can break crowd control while bursting with Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (30) Volley/Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (31) Salvo


Marksmanship Hunter Hotfixes in Patch 11.0.2 (The War Within Season 1)

No hotfixes have been announced yet that affect Marksmanship Hunters.


Content of the Guide

  • On the MarksmanshipHunter PvP Talents page, you will find an analysis of the talentsavailable to Marksmanship Hunters, as well as an overview of the PvP talents,with advice on which ones to take and under which conditions.
  • On the Marksmanship HunterPvP Pets page, you will find an overview of the advantages of each pettype with advice on which ones to take and under which conditions.
  • On the MarksmanshipHunter PvP Rotation and Playstyle page, you will learn how to use yourspells, depending on the situation (dealing damage, surviving, controllingenemy players, etc.), and what is generally expected of your class and specin PvP.
  • On the Marksmanship Hunter PvP Stat Priority and Gear page, you will find thestat priority to follow in PvP, as well as advice for choosing your gear,which may vary depending on your playstyle and composition.
  • On the MarksmanshipHunter PvP Best Races page, you will find lists of the Alliance and Horderaces, ranked by how good they are for Marksmanship Hunters in PvP, as well asexplanations regarding why and how their racials benefit you.
  • On the MarksmanshipHunter PvP Useful Macros page, you will find a collection of useful PvPmacros for Marksmanship Hunters.
  • On the Marksmanship Hunter Arena Composition page, you will find the list ofthe most powerful Arena compositions featuring Marksmanship Hunters in both2v2 and 3v3 modes.
  • On the Marksmanship Hunter in Battleground Blitz page, you will find a summary ofhow to play Marksmanship in Battleground Blitz specifically, including theplaystyle, role in specific battlegrounds, talent builds, and macros.



  • 05 Sep. 2024 (blitz): Updated embellishments.
  • 05 Sep. 2024 (this page): Added link to Blitz page.
  • 05 Sep. 2024 (this page): Added link to Blitz page.
  • 03 Sep. 2024 (comps): Updated comp tier lists based on current meta.
  • 03 Sep. 2024 (this page): Added Season 1 hotfixes section.
  • 03 Sep. 2024 (this page): Added Season 1 hotfixes section.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (pets): Reviewed for The War Within Launch.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (races): Added the new Earthen race.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (macros): Updated for The War Within launch.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (playstyle): Updated for the War Within Launch.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (comps): Reviewed for The War Within Launch.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (blitz): Updated for The War Within.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (gear): Updated for The War Within launch.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (talents): Updated for The War Within Launch.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (this page): Updated for The War Within launch.
  • 21 Aug. 2024 (this page): Updated for The War Within launch.
  • 10 Aug. 2024 (this page): Updated with August 14 hotfixes.
  • 10 Aug. 2024 (this page): Updated with August 14 hotfixes.
  • 02 Aug. 2024 (blitz): Page added.
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (pets): Reviewed for 11.0.1.
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (macros): Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (playstyle): Updated for The War Within
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (comps): Reviewed for 11.0.1.
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (gear): Reviewed for 11.0.1.
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (talents): Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for The War Within Prepatch and removed Dragonflight hotfixes.
  • 23 Jul. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for The War Within Prepatch and removed Dragonflight hotfixes.
  • 03 Jul. 2024 (races): Reviewed for 11.0.1.
  • 15 May 2024 (talents): Moved Sniper Shot down a tier.
  • 15 May 2024 (this page): Added 7 May hotfixes.
  • 15 May 2024 (this page): Added 7 May hotfixes.
  • 07 May 2024 (pets): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (races): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (macros): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (playstyle): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (comps): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (gear): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (talents): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (this page): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 07 May 2024 (this page): Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (pets): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (races): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (macros): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (playstyle): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (comps): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (gear): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (talents): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 16 Apr. 2024 (talents): Reorganised recommended talents.
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (pets): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (races): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (macros): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (playstyle): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (comps): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (gear): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (talents): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
  • 20 Mar. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
  • 14 Mar. 2024 (comps): Updated 3v3 tiers.
  • 14 Mar. 2024 (this page): Added 12 March hotfix.
  • 14 Mar. 2024 (this page): Added 12 March hotfix.
  • 07 Feb. 2024 (gear): Corrected enchants
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (pets): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (races): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (macros): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (playstyle): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (gear): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5
  • 15 Jan. 2024 (talents): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5
  • 14 Jan. 2024 (comps): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
  • 14 Jan. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
  • 14 Jan. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
  • 15 Dec. 2023 (this page): Added 19 December hotfixes.
  • 15 Dec. 2023 (this page): Added 19 December hotfixes.
  • 04 Dec. 2023 (races): Corrected typos.
  • 04 Dec. 2023 (this page): Added list of hotfixes and commentary.
  • 04 Dec. 2023 (this page): Added list of hotfixes and commentary.
  • 20 Nov. 2023 (playstyle): Fortitude of the Bear clarification.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (pets): Changed formatting to improve readability.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (races): Minor formatting tweaks.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (macros): Added some explanations.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (playstyle): Changed offensive rotation and included new Restoration Druid and Discipline Priest spells.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (comps): Re-arranged tier list for Season 3.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (gear): Elaborated on stat priority and recommended embellishments
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (talents): Updated recommended builds and their notes.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (this page): Elaborated on other PvP Changes in 10.2.
  • 19 Nov. 2023 (this page): Elaborated on other PvP Changes in 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (pets): Page created.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (races): Reviewed for patch 10.2
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for patch 10.2
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (playstyle): Reviewed for patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.2
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (gear): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (talents): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight patch 10.2.
  • 06 Nov. 2023 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (races): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (playstyle): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (comps): Reviewed and updated for Patch 10.1.7
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (gear): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (talents): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 04 Sep. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 01 Sep. 2023 (comps): Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 30 Jul. 2023 (comps): Updated 3v3 tiers; Jungle is the best comp.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (races): Guide re-written.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (playstyle): Guide re-written
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (comps): Guide re-written.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (gear): Guide re-written.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (talents): Expanded on Talents and PvP Talents.
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5
  • 10 Jul. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5
  • 01 Jul. 2023 (talents): Guide re-written.
  • 27 Jun. 2023 (macros): Guide re-written.
  • 27 Jun. 2023 (this page): Guide re-written.
  • 27 Jun. 2023 (this page): Guide re-written.
  • 09 May 2023 (races): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 09 May 2023 (macros): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 09 May 2023 (playstyle): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 09 May 2023 (comps): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 09 May 2023 (gear): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 09 May 2023 (talents): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 09 May 2023 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 09 May 2023 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (races): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (playstyle): Updated the page for relevant changes in Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (gear): Updated the page for relevant changes in Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (talents): Updated the recommended Talent Build.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 30 Jan. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (races): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (macros): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (playstyle): Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (comps): Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (gear): Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (talents): Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 11 Dec. 2022 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (races): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (macros): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (playstyle): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (comps): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (gear): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (talents): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 22 Nov. 2022 (this page): Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 29 Jul. 2022 (gear): Reviewed and updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 29 Jul. 2022 (this page): Page reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 29 Jul. 2022 (this page): Page reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 31 May 2022 (races): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (talents): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 31 May 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (races): Page reviewed and approved for Patch 9.2.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (macros): Page reviewed and approved for Patch 9.2.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (comps): Page reviewed and approved for Patch 9.2.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.2.
  • 28 Feb. 2022 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.2.
  • 22 Feb. 2022 (playstyle): Updated and restructured the Opener and Burst DPS Rotations and clarified Lock and Load/Concussive Shot usage. Added Death Chakram.
  • 22 Feb. 2022 (gear): Updated the BiS List, Enchants, and information on when you might want to use different Trinkets.
  • 22 Feb. 2022 (talents): Updated the PvP Talent recommendations and the pet families you should use. Added Ferocity alternatives.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (races): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (comps): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (talents): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 10 Nov. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (races): Updated for Patch 9.1.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (macros): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (playstyle): Reviewed for Patch 9.1.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (comps): Updated best 2v2 compositions.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (gear): Updated recommended gear and added Shards of Domination section.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (talents): Updated PvP Talents.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.
  • 06 Jul. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.1.
  • 18 Mar. 2021 (playstyle): Updated Burst and Sustained Damage rotations.
  • 18 Mar. 2021 (gear): Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 18 Mar. 2021 (talents): Updated Tier 7 Regular Talent.
  • 18 Mar. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 18 Mar. 2021 (this page): Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 06 Dec. 2020 (gear): Added BiS gear list for Shadowlands.
  • 05 Dec. 2020 (playstyle): Updated Rotations to include Covenant Abilities.
  • 29 Nov. 2020 (playstyle): Removed outdated Traits and Essences.
  • 29 Nov. 2020 (gear): Removed outdated Traits and Essences.
    • Removed outdated gear.
    • Added gems section.
  • 29 Nov. 2020 (this page): Added Covenant page, removed Azerite mentions, and updated gear section.
  • 29 Nov. 2020 (this page): Added Covenant page, removed Azerite mentions, and updated gear section.
  • 11 Nov. 2020 (playstyle): Updated all Burst and Sustained damage rotations.
  • 06 Nov. 2020 (talents): Updated Talent Table.
    • Updated Tiers 4 and 7 Regular Talents.
  • 26 Oct. 2020 (talents): Updated Talent Table.
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (races): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (macros): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (playstyle): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (comps): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (gear): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (talents): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (this page): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
  • 15 Oct. 2020 (this page): Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)

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Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide — The War Within (11.0.2) (2024)


How to PvP as marksmanship hunter? ›

Marksmanship Hunter PvP Rotation
  1. Launch your Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire on cooldown.
  2. Spend all of your Precise Shots stacks with Arcane Shot and do not overcap them.
  3. Use Trueshot when you or your teammate can land stuns and crowd control on the enemy healer to go for a kill.
  4. Use Death Chakram on cooldown.
Jul 23, 2024

What Hunter is best for PvP? ›

Best Hunter Races for WoW Classic PvP
  • Dwarf.
  • Night Elf.
  • Orc.
  • Tauren.
  • Troll.

What are the best stats for marksmanship hunter PvP? ›

The stat priority for Marksmanship Hunter in PvP is as follows:
  • Agility;
  • Versatility to at least 20%;
  • Haste to 18%;
  • Mastery;
  • Critical Strike.
Aug 21, 2024

Is mastery or crit better for Marksmanship Hunter? ›

Marksmanship likes Crit, and lots of it. There is practically no scenario where Crit is not your best stat. After that comes Mastery, Versatility, and Haste roughly spaced out in terms of value.

What is the best race for Marksmanship hunters? ›

Dwarf is the best race for Alliance for the same reasons as Tauren, the difference being the active ability Stoneform providing a 10% physical damage reduction with an added omni-self dispel on a 2 minute cooldown. Dwarf is definitely the best overall option, and I highly recommend it!

How to burst as a marksman hunter? ›

Burst Damage: Salvo build
  1. Use Explosive Shot.
  2. Use Volley with Salvo (when Salvo re-applies Explosive Shot, it will immediately burst the Explosive Shot on the target you just used)
  3. Use Trueshot.
  4. Use. ...
  5. Use Rapid Fire.

Is warlock or hunter better in PvP? ›

Warlocks excel in objective-based game modes with powerful tools like Well of Radiance and Osmiomancy coldsnaps. Hunters boast superior general strengths with enhanced mobility options and instant reload dodge. Player comfort and playstyle preference play a significant role in determining the better class for PvP.

What is the best PvP race for hunters? ›

Best Alliance Races for Marksmanship Hunters
  • 1.1. Night Elf.
  • 1.2. Human.
  • 1.3. Dark Iron Dwarf.
  • 2.1. Orc.
  • 3.1. Alliance.
  • 3.2. Horde.

Should Marksman Hunters use pets in PvP? ›

Generally speaking, you should not use a pet at all as a Marksmanship Hunter due to your Lone Wolf talent. If you do have to use a Pet, you should know that all pets do the same damage, but they still differ crucially in utility. Check out our dedicated Pets page below for detailed information on the best Pets! 4.

How do you play Demon Hunter in PvP? ›

Havoc Demon Hunter PvP Rotation
  1. Cast Blade Dance / Death Sweep on cooldown.
  2. Pair Eye Beam and Essence Break for a burst window. ...
  3. Cast Annihilation During your Demonic / Essence Break window.
  4. Cast The Hunt, best paired with other burst for kill attempts.
  5. Cast Immolation Aura on cooldown.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.