Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Talks Ethics, Presidential Immunity in First Broadcast Interview Since Confirmation (2024)

In her first broadcast interview since joining the nation's highest court, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson talks Donald Trump’s presidential immunity case, an enforceable code of ethics for her and her colleagues, and how the last two years on the bench have gone as the first ever Black woman to serve as a United States Supreme Court justice.

Since joining the court, CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Norah O'Donnell pointed out, Jackson has been a keen questioner.

“You immediately became the most prolific questioner among the justices,” O'Donnell said. “No one else is even close to you.” Jackson smiled. “Why do you laugh?” the anchor asked.

“Because, I was the most prolific questioner as a district court judge as well,” Jackson said. “Because I have a lot of questions,” she continued, her tone turning serious. “We have a very complicated legal system, and these issues are hard.”

CBS’s sit-down with Justice Jackson comes as President Joe Biden is, in part, using his remaining time in office to push for Supreme Court reform amid historically high levels of American distrust in the institution. As of a couple months ago, fewer than half of Americans have a favorable opinion of the court, according to a Pew Research Center survey. For Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, that number drops to 24 percent. Black respondents, along with women, were more likely to feel disdain for the court.

In late July, Biden released a three-part plan of reforms.

First, pass a “No One Is Above the Law Amendment,” establishing that “the Constitution does not confer any immunity from federal criminal indictment, trial, conviction, or sentencing by virtue of previously serving as President”—a direct response to the court’s recent immunity ruling where they sided with Trump. Second, term limits for justices set to 18 years. Last, “Congress should pass binding, enforceable conduct and ethics rules that require Justices to disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity, and recuse themselves” from cases where conflicts of interest could arise for themselves or their spouses.

Justice Jackson wrote a scathing dissent in the immunity case, which ruled that former presidents have “absolute” protection from criminal prosecution for “official” actions done while in office.

“The majority of my colleagues seems to have put their trust in our Court’s ability to prevent Presidents from becoming Kings through case-by-case application of the indeterminate standards of their new Presidential accountability paradigm,” she wrote. “I fear that they are wrong. But, for all our sakes, I hope that they are right.”

When O'Donnell asked Jackson about this case, the justice responded, “I was concerned about a system that appeared to provide immunity for one individual under one set of circ*mstances. When we have a criminal justice system that had, ordinarily, treated everyone the same.”

“Are you prepared that this election could end up before the Supreme Court?” O'Donnell followed up.

“As prepared as anyone can be,” Jackson said. “I think there are legal issues that arise out of the political process, and so the Supreme Court has to be prepared to respond if that should be necessary.”

Some of Jackson’s coworkers on the bench have been in hot water recently.

In April of 2023, a ProPublica investigation found that, for over two decades, Justice Clarence Thomas was being treated to luxury vacations from billionaire and political donor Harlan Crow. It was the first drop in what has become a stream of reporting about potential ethics violations from Thomas and other justices. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann, has also been in the news for flying two flags synonymous with the “Stop the Steal” movement—the unfounded right-wing theory that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump by Biden—outside of the couple’s homes in Virginia and New Jersey.

“I’m not going to comment on other justice’s interpretation of the rules or what they’re doing,” Jackson said during the CBS interview.

In November, all nine justices signed onto the court’s first formal code of conduct governing the ethical behavior of its members, but that agreement doesn’t appear to have a clear enforcement mechanism. When asked about her personal code, Jackson responded, “I follow the rules, whatever they are with respect to ethical obligations, and it’s important, in my view, to do so. It really boils down to impartiality—that’s what the rules are about. People are entitled to know if you’re accepting gifts as a judge, so that they can evaluate whether or not your opinions are impartial.”

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Talks Ethics, Presidential Immunity in First Broadcast Interview Since Confirmation (2024)


What did Ketanji Brown Jackson do before she became a Supreme Court justice? ›

After law school, Justice Jackson's career included private practice, and three federal clerkships, including a clerkship for Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer at the Supreme Court of the United States. In addition to professional experience in private practice, she also worked in public service.

What president appointed the first Supreme Court justice? ›

President Washington appointed the six original Justices and before the end of his second term had appointed four other Justices.

How does one become a Supreme Court judge what must a president consider when appointing Supreme Court judges? ›

How are Supreme Court Justices selected? The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court.

What are Ketanji Brown Jackson's famous quotes? ›

"I hope to inspire people to try to follow this path, because I love this country, because I love the law, because I think it is important that we all invest in our future. And the young people are the future." "I am also ever buoyed by the leadership of generations past who helped to light the way.

Who was the first black justice of the Supreme Court? ›

Justice Thurgood Marshall: First African American Supreme Court Justice. On June 13, 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson nominated distinguished civil rights lawyer Thurgood Marshall to be the first African American justice to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.

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Rutledge thus became the first rejected Supreme Court nominee and the only one among the 15 who would gain their offices through recess appointments not to be subsequently confirmed.

Who is the only former president to become a Supreme Court justice? ›

William Howard Taft was elected the 27th President of the United States (1909-1913) and later became the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have served in both of these offices.

Has a Supreme Court justice ever been impeached? ›

In 1804, Chase was impeached by the House of Representatives on grounds of letting his partisan leanings affect his court decisions, but was acquitted the following year by the Senate and remained in office. He is the only United States Supreme Court Justice to have ever been impeached.

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List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump
  • Trump with his first Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.
  • Trump with his second Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Trump with his third Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett.

What is the retirement salary for a federal judge? ›

Under section 371, a judge who meets the Rule of 80, if he chooses to fully retire (“retire from the office”), “shall, during the remainder of his lifetime, receive an annuity equal to the salary he was receiving at the time he retired.” (For 2023, the salary for appellate judges is $246,600 and for district judges is ...

Which president has appointed the most judges? ›

His record of eleven Supreme Court appointments still stands. Ronald Reagan appointed 383 federal judges, more than any other president. To date, Ronald Reagan has appointed the largest number of federal judges, with 383, followed closely by Bill Clinton with 378.

What jobs did Ketanji Brown Jackson have? ›

After three years in private practice, she worked as an attorney at the U.S. Sentencing Commission for two years, as an assistant federal public defender in Washington, D.C., for two years, and again in private practice for three years.

What did Ketanji Brown Jackson do at Harvard? ›

AP News added that during her time at Harvard, Jackson took drama and musical theater courses and was also part of an improv group called On Thin Ice — though she studied government.

Who was the first chief justice of the United States? ›

John Jay, the first chief justice, served in the New York Militia during the Revolutionary War, albeit not as a combatant, and Chief Justice John Marshall was a captain in the Continental Army.

Is Ketanji Brown Jackson in a sorority? ›

“Divine Nine” organization Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. announced its 2023 Honorary members, featuring Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and six other trailblazing women.

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