The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (2024)

If you haven't searched for "marketing podcasts" on Spotify lately (who even are you?), I'll fill you in: there are over a thousand results. The weird and wonderful web ensures you can find a podcast in any niche you'd like, but there are only so many hours in a day to tune in.

To find the best, I started where many people would: asking for recommendations. I looked into those suggestions and did lots of research of my own to create a spreadsheet of the top marketing podcasts to explore. (You didn't think I could do this without a spreadsheet, did you?)

After countless hours of listening, here are my recommendations for the 10 best podcasts about marketing.

The best marketing podcasts in 2024

  • How I Built This for inspiring stories

  • The Marketing Millennials for case studies

  • Online Marketing Made Easy for online business owners

  • Exit Five for B2B marketers

  • Content Callout for content marketers

  • Social Media Marketing for social media marketers

  • Market Your Genius for diverse topics

  • Marketing School for bite-sized episodes

  • Hidden Brain for learning something new

  • Under the Influence for narrative storytelling

  • Ethics in Marketing for diving into the humanity in marketing

What to look for in the best marketing podcast

Media preferences are seriously personal. Favorite genres of movies and music vary drastically between people—and podcasts are no different. While I did my best to sample episodes that touched every corner of the marketing industry and in different formats, I gravitated toward the ones I found personally engaging. In the end, only you can be the ultimate judge as to whether a podcast is great or not. Still, there are a few things you can keep in mind to prioritize listening time.

  • Choose content that aligns with your listening goals. Do you want to get inspired by fellow marketers? Try an interview-style podcast. If you want to discover specific marketing tactics, look for a production with case studies or niche topics.

  • Pick episodes in your preferred format. Podcasts are usually audio-first, but that doesn't always have to be the case. I personally like to see podcasts with transcripts for accessibility, and video versions can feel more personal.

  • Find episodes that come with bonus content. I appreciate any supporting materials. Episode highlights, related resources, timestamps, downloadable guides, and blog post summaries all add to the experience. If this is important to you, keep your eye out for it (usually in the show notes).

  • Pick an engaging host. You may find you like solo hosts, duos with friendly banter, or a revolving set of guests. Whichever your preference, pick the combo you find most engaging. If you don't like the host or hosts, there's no chance you'll like the podcast.

  • Choose thoughtfully edited content. I can appreciate the amount of effort it takes to get any podcast episode out into the world—but some editing touches elevate the experience. For example, a simple overview at the top of the episode about the upcoming topics helps listeners decide if they want to continue. I also like it when outside audio clips add context or atmosphere or when interviews are edited to feel more like a journalism piece than an audio dump.

In my experience, once you're able to identify a handful of episodes and formats you like, most podcast apps do a great job of suggesting similar-style shows you might enjoy.

With that in mind, here are my picks for the best digital marketing podcasts.

The best marketing podcasts at a glance


Best for

What does it offer?

How I Built This

Guy Raz

Inspiring stories

Shares insights from entrepreneurs across industries on leadership, innovation, and navigating challenges

The Marketing Millennials

Daniel Murray

Case studies

Presents real-world case studies and perspectives from various corners of the marketing industry

Online Marketing Made Easy

Amy Porterfield

Online business owners

And engaging host and episode outlines with timestamps for easy navigation

Exit Five

Dave Gerhardt

B2B marketers

Intimate roundtable discussions with practical marketing strategies and career growth advice

Content Callout

Mark Raffan and Kayla Graham

Content marketers

Evergreen strategies; each episode starts with three rapid-fire marketing tips

Social Media Marketing

Michael Stelzner

Social media marketers

Regular updates on the latest social media rules and trends, including platform-specific insights

Market Your Genius

Nikki Nash

Diverse topics

Explores diverse marketing topics

Marketing School

Neil Patel and Eric Siu

Bite-sized episodes

Short, no-nonsense episodes published daily with actionable marketing tips

Hidden Brain

Shankar Vedantam

Understanding human behavior

Explores unconscious patterns driving human behavior

Under the Influence

Terry O'Reilly

Narrative storytelling

Captivating storytelling of marketing strategies that fuel business growth

Ethics in Marketing

Mikhail Myzgin

Humanity in marketing

Explores ethical gray areas in marketing and offers thoughtful perspectives

The best marketing podcast for inspiring stories

How I Built This hosted by Guy Raz

If you're looking for inspiring stories of how entrepreneurs built their successful brands, look no further than How I Built This, hosted by seasoned journalist Guy Raz. It's not a marketing podcast per se, but each episode offers plenty of insights on leadership, innovation, and how to navigate challenges of all kinds.

What I like most about this podcast is that Raz interviews business leaders across various industries—from iconic skincare brands and clothing companies to prolific media platforms and dating apps. With over 500 episodes to choose from, there's bound to be one for you.

Try this episode: Love's next chapter with Whitney Wolfe Herd of Bumble

The best marketing podcast for case studies

The Marketing Millennials hosted by Daniel Murray

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (2)

Many marketing podcasts provide the theory behind human behavior and marketing strategies, and tips on how to leverage both. But sometimes, I want to hear about what it looks like when those theories are put to practice. And that's what you get with The Marketing Millennials, hosted by Daniel Murray.

Each episode presents case studies and perspectives from all corners of the marketing industry. The vibe is a mix of case studies and chats with a friend. I also enjoy the podcast's Marketing Hill Mash episodes, which compile the "boldest takes" from different episodes to address a specific topic or pain point.

Try this episode: Creating brand experiences that matter with Kim Trieu

The best marketing podcast for online business owners

Online Marketing Made Easy hosted by Amy Porterfield

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (3)

Building a business can be lonely—building an online one even more so. There's no one readily available to bounce ideas off of or work through challenges together. Enter Online Marketing Made Easy. The host, Amy Porterfield, is engaging from beginning to end with a unique ability to make it feel like she's talking directly to you.

The episode lengths run the gamut—from 15 minutes to a whopping one hour and four minutes—but they're proportionate to the topics discussed. And the show's website includes episode outlines with time stamps for easy navigation.

Try this episode: 8 ways to address money objections from your audience

The best marketing podcast for B2B marketers

Exit Five hosted by Dave Gerhardt

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (4)

Full disclosure: Zapier is a sponsor of Exit Five. But a good show is a good show. After listening to a few episodes, it was clear to me why this highly-rated show is a go-to resource for B2B marketers.

Every episode makes me feel like I'm sitting at an intimate roundtable discussion with the host, Dave Gerhardt, and his guest. And I walk away from each episode with practical marketing strategies and career growth advice.

Try this episode: B2B marketing at Strava with Johnny Ross

The best marketing podcast for content marketers

Content Callout hosted by Mark Raffan and Kayla Graham

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (5)

Do you want the bad news or the good news first? The Content Callout podcast won't have any new episodes, but I kept it on here because you can still gain a lot of insights from its backlog of evergreen content. Mark Raffan and Kayla Graham hosted the show from 2020 to late 2022 (the agency behind the show has since ceased operations).

The Content Callout Podcast has just over 100 episodes with interviews on content topics like "Is B2B growth-hacking overhyped?" and "How to foster an inclusive culture as a marketing leader." I also enjoy that each episode kicks off with three rapid-fire content marketing tips from the guest, and the show notes provide episode outlines and timestamps for easy navigation.

Try this episode: How to use psychology to improve content quality

The best marketing podcast for social media marketers

Social Media Marketing hosted by Michael Stelzner

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (6)

It's hard to keep up with the changing rules of social media. Does the algorithm prefer short- or long-form videos? What about "raw" videos versus highly-edited ones? That's where the Social Media Marketing podcast with Michael Stelzner comes in.

New episodes drop weekly, so you can be sure you're up-to-date with the latest rules and trends. Most of their how-to episodes focus on a specific platform, like "How to batch Instagram Reels content efficiently" and "Leveraging the LinkedIn algorithm for maximum exposure." This way, you can cherry-pick the episodes that speak to the platforms you're trying to win on.

Most episodes clock in at around 45 to 50 minutes. If you're looking for slightly shorter episodes (about 20 to 30 minutes), there's also the Social Media Marketing Talk Show, hosted by Jerry Potter.

Try this episode: How to improve your Instagram results: small changes with big impacts

The best marketing podcast for diverse topics

Market Your Genius hosted by Nikki Nash

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (7)

Market Your Genius didn't come up in my list of suggested shows on Spotify, which is a shame because it's chock-full of interesting episodes that cover everything from sales strategies and scaling your business to leadership and career growth.

Instead of sticking to the rote formula of asking a question, getting an answer, and moving on, the host, Nikki Nash, does a great job of expanding on the guest's responses and diving deeper into the topic.

Try this episode: Sales secrets: building trust, not pushing products with Amy Lau

The best marketing podcast for bite-sized episodes

Marketing School hosted by Neil Patel and Eric Siu

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (8)

If you're short on time, or if you prefer a podcast with minimal fluff, Marketing School offers bite-sized, no-nonsense episodes. Most of the episodes feature only the hosts, Neil Patel and Eric Siu, sharing actionable marketing tips in 10 minutes or less.

New episodes drop daily, so you'll have no shortage of ideas to bring to your next marketing brainstorming session.

Try this episode: How to deal with ad fatigue

The best marketing podcast for understanding human behavior

Hidden Brain hosted by Shankar Vedantam

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (9)

I'm going to veer away from traditional marketing topics for a minute, but I promise it's worth it. Shankar Vedantam hosts Hidden Brain, which "explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices, and direct our relationships." While you won't hear any explicit marketing strategies here, marketers will absolutely benefit from understanding why humans behave the way they do. Plus, the topics are downright fascinating.

Unlike other interview podcasts, Shankar weaves external audio clips into episodes that add context to the guest's story and elevate the content. For example, instead of simply introducing a guest, he shares an audio clip from actual news coverage from a pivotal moment in the guest's life.

Try this episode: Follow the anomalies

The best marketing podcast for narrative storytelling

Under the Influence hosted by Terry O'Reilly

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (10)

Many of the podcasts listed in this article follow a similar interview-style format. But if you prefer more of a narrative style, Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence, does a fantastic job of telling captivating stories with a little humor.

While O'Reilly doesn't outright tell you "do this, not that," each episode offers a clear throughline of marketing strategies that fueled the growth behind the most prolific businesses.

If you've never listened to an episode of Under the Influence, I suggest fast-forwarding to roughly five minutes in so you can skip the introductory ad reads and an unnecessarily long theme song.

Try this episode: Hiding in plain sight: the surprising influence of marketing

The best marketing podcast for diving into the humanity in marketing

Ethics in Marketing hosted by Mikhail Myzgin

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (11)

How do you balance the pressure to achieve marketing goals with the desire to be fair and kind to your fellow humans? The Ethics in Marketing podcast by Mikhail Myzgin weighs in. With episode topics like Boundaries of persuasion and Data ethics, Myzgin and his guests contemplate ethical gray areas that we might not realize we're trudging into each day. You won't find hot new strategies in these episodes, but you will gain new perspectives.

The show took a break last year. But with the release of a new episode earlier this month, I'm hopeful there are plenty more insightful discussions to come.

Try this episode: Gendered marketing with Sylvie Borau

How to get the most out of marketing podcasts

You may listen to marketing podcasts just for fun or as background noise to fill the gaps in your day. But if you want to use marketing podcasts to grow your company, learn new skills, or get inspired, here are some tips for leveraging what you learn.

  • Keep a notepad for insights. It doesn't matter if it's physical, digital, or a collection of voice memos—track what stands out. It'll help the information stick, and you might gain new perspectives by combining notes from multiple podcasts. Notes that you take on a topic, like getting unstuck, might not apply when you listen to the episode, but having the note to reference when a challenge comes up prepares you.

  • Search for episodes on specific topics. Broaden your horizons and look for episodes beyond your go-to shows. Use the search function of podcast directories to find episodes about a specific problem or opportunity, like "measuring blog performance" or "influencer marketing basics."

  • Leverage episode extras. Some podcasts offer transcripts, downloadable guides, and summaries for each episode. Reviewing these extras gives you even more info and can replace listening to the full episode if you're short on time (or attention span 🙋🏻‍♀️).

  • Look for inspiration everywhere. You don't have to stick to marketing podcasts to get marketing ideas. For example, a business-focused episode from Decoder with Nilay Patel might give you insights into how to navigate a challenge.

  • Schedule time to listen to an episode. At Zapier, we're encouraged to participate in learning and development opportunities—whether it's taking a course, attending a workshop, or even listening to a podcast. By scheduling shorter episodes, like the bite-sized ones from Marketing School, into my work calendar, I'm more likely to actually make time for this task.

Find the best marketing podcast for you

You can't know what marketing podcast is the best until you give it a try. The most highly-rated podcast isn't always the best (for you), and your preferences can change with the seasons. If this listening experiment taught me anything, there's no shortage of insight and content waiting to be discovered. So go forth and listen.

Related reading:

  • The best marketing newsletters

  • What is AI marketing—and how can you leverage it?

  • How to grow your newsletter without paid ads

This article was originally published in December 2022 by Steph Knapp. The most recent update was in December 2023.

The 10 best marketing podcasts in 2024 | Zapier (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.