The Shift: Courageously Moving from Season to Season (2024)

Create With Joy

682 reviews166 followers

March 24, 2020

We are living in uncertain times. Never before, on such a global scale, has each of us been asked to transform the very fabric of our lives so completely in response to the current global health crisis. How will we deal with this challenge? Keion Henderson’s new book, The Shift: Courageously Moving From Season To Season provides us with great insights on how to handle the changing seasons of our life with dignity and grace!

In a book that’s filled with both personal stories and biblical insights, Keion shows us how to thrive as we change our perspective on our circ*mstances from that of a victim who is haplessly tossed around by the whims of fate to that of a survivor and thriver, where every bad thing that has ever happened to us serves as the training ground for what lies ahead of us.

God has a plan and a purpose for each of us and The Shift shows us how to move from defeat to destiny.

If ever there was a time to read a book like The Shift, it is now. This book is encouraging, inspiring and timely!

Disclosure: I received an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book from the publisher. To read more of my reviews, please visit Create With Joy.

    2020-reviews book-reviews


3,933 reviews97 followers

March 16, 2020

Life changes for every one of us. We marry or we divorce. We gain a new job or lose a treasured one. We experience the stress of getting from here to there. We must survive the meantime, the shift. Handled well, it can be a time of training as God gives us skills for the next season of life.

We can't always control our circ*mstances but we can control how we choose to respond to them. Henderson combines memoir and insights from the Bible to provide encouragement in times of transition. He describes his book as sort of a field guide for the journey. He covers areas like making decisions, overcoming temptation, facing disappointment, and more.

My favorite part of the book was thee section on documentation. Henderson encourages us to keep a record of what God has done and the lessons we have learned. We'll have a record of God's faithfulness and it will be a life changing experience.

He includes questions for reflection at the end of each chapter. The questions are aimed at helping us shift our understanding and encouraging us to rely on God's guidance through His Word. “...God knows what you need. He will guide you through your process of development if you seek Him and obey His guidelines.” (107,108) While Henderson encourages us to move in the right direction, no specific strategy for it is provided.

Since Henderson had his dreams ruptured while in college, this is a good book for college age or young career age readers.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

Tee Ang

1 review1 follower

March 11, 2020

I am not an avid reader but I read anything that helps me grow. For that, I look for :
a) a good writer, someone who is not afraid to be real and display their scars.
b) a connection, I should be able to relate not just to the person but the situation.
c) a direction, the book should give me a sense of direction. I may not be in the same situation now, but if it were to happen what should my mindset be like.

This book is written by a believer, and I am a believer. If you stop to see this book as another christian or self help book, then it may not be for you. But if you are like me, if you like to work on yourself, grow and mature with time, then this book gives you the tools for it.
It will stop you in your tracks to revisit your life. Make you think, equip you for what is to come.
It also teaches faith, hope and survival.
I am sure this is one book that will make you change your outlook depending on your current situation. Because Shift is not constant.
Highly recommended

La Tonya

213 reviews16 followers

March 10, 2024

This book is a true blessing! I'm definitely in my season of shifting and this book assisted me along greatly.
I'll leave you with a few of my favorites from his book: Transitions are temporary. Maturity last for eternity. You will survive your shift! You will come out on the other side. God did not sustain me to this point so I could not fail. One cannot think low thoughts and expect high returns!
You are destined for Devine Dominion!!

5 Star +

Toni Fowlkes

1 review


March 11, 2020

Wow! Pastor Keion Henderson’s, The Shift is an amazing compilation of true stories that left me on the edge of my seat! I would begin reading a chapter and wonder, ”How on earth is he gonna get out of this?”, but God came through each time, proving that He never leaves us or forsakes us even in the midst of our most dire circ*mstances. The Shift is not just a book about a pastor, or some religious book that leaves the reader feeling preached at, but it is a story of triumph and is, plainly put... A PAGE TURNER! I recommend this book to anyone looking for something fun to get into that will leave you feeling inspired, hopeful, and re-energized as you approach the next season of your life. You will be absolutely grateful this book came along when it did!

Alesia Reed

1 review


March 11, 2020

What can't I say about Keion Henderson's book "The Shift"! For me this book has been right on time! Most people like myself are unaware that when certain things are happening in your life God is trying to wake you up to help you realize your Gifts and wants to propel you to your highest potential and this is exactly the message that Keion Henderson is conveying in his book; even HE as a Pastor had to go through certain Shifts in his Life to get to where God needs hum to be, so that he can continue to feed his flock. "The Shift" has everything you need and is a tool to help you gain Clarity and Revelations regarding your Shifts in your Life.

Arlishia Young

1 review

March 11, 2020

Love this book!!! Transparent, inspiring and thought-provoking. The Shift book has taught me to continue trusting God through the “mean-times.” Also it’s okay to have doubts and questions during your shift. God will reveal your purpose for His kingdom. You will definitely be blessed by reading this awesome book.

Sue Que

1 review

March 11, 2020

The hype around The Shift had me excited about reading it. Pastor Keion does not disappoint! The book is spiritually powerful and heartwarming. The Shift drags you in from the very beginning and commands your attention throughout. This book is an absolute must read.

Katina Hadnott

1 review

March 11, 2020

Absolutely LOVE this book! Pastor Keion’s transparency has helped me to deal with the many things that I have been going through in my life. This book has helped me to shift my way of thinking and truly trust God. Highly recommended!


1 review

March 11, 2020

This book got me through my hardest time!
I’ve been recommending it to everyone. Definitely a must read.


1 review

March 11, 2020

Excellent book, This is a must read. Real life stories. Remarkable

TC Paul

1 review

March 11, 2020

The shift is a fearless, real and tremendous book to read. It's a testimony on how God can shift your entire life. Pastor Keion shared his life and be doing so will transform many.

Monique A.

Author1 book

March 24, 2020

Keion has sat in a vulnerable space as he shares his story from different aspects of his life, but the read is more so of how God didn’t allow him to stay in those places of disappointment, devastation and what at the time seemed like defeat, but by grace and mercy helped him move from one season to the next with a powerful testimony of victory. His story will help others in their shift change as they go from season to season.

Shonnita Lee

1 review

March 24, 2020

So far this book has been a blessing to me! What I really love about it the most is the way God has used Pastor Keion to be so transparent with his story! We all have a story, but it's in our boldness where we find our strength in order to share our testimony with others!!! This book is definitely needed in a time when our world is in a SHIFT!!!!

Diane Busch

231 reviews2 followers

April 15, 2020

This is a book that I could hardly put down because it’s so relatable. I underlined and took notes on much of the content because I want to revisit, reread, and remember.
We all go through "stuff" in life, so we can all relate to the types of experiences Keion is writing about. He gives great perspective, encouragement, and advice.
At the end of each chapter there are thought provoking reflection questions followed by a prayer.
I highly recommend this book even if you are not currently going through a shift in life. It will help prepare you for the next inevitable change or challenge that arises.
I received an Advanced Reader’s Copy of the book from the publisher.

Syreeta Kinnard

15 reviews1 follower

September 22, 2021

Great practical strategy and real life examples to demonstrate the moments that require shifting (good or bad). Very insightful and will be a go to resource for understanding how to get through different seasons of life.

Sandy Sandmeyer

315 reviews18 followers

March 11, 2020

Advanced Reader's Copy

The time between the problem or circ*mstance and the purpose and elevation is a critical season of training that will serve you well, if you let it.

I am honored to be part of Pastor Keion Henderson's launch team for his latest book, The Shift: Courageously Moving from Season to Season, available on March 24, 2020 and I received a copy of his book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Have you ever heard the quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? So often, we spend our days driven to insanity continuing to do the same thing over and over again and being disappointed when the outcome is the same.
Shifting gears requires shifting fears. Even if you can’t see it yet, God is present in your shifting!

Instead of allowing us to remain in this pointless cycle, God is using this time of disappointment, sadness, and failure to grow us to move towards better days. I once heard someone say that if we fail to move through a time of testing, then God is going to keep putting the test in front of us until we pass. God can't use you if you're not willing to grow and learn.
Just like my bad pass in that game, we all make mistakes that produce consequences we could never have foreseen, often compounded by our attempt to correct or cover up our little error.

Pastor Keion Henderson shares the periods of testing and growth in his life throughout the chapters in The Shift. I'm not wont to read a book with a highlighter, but this book is quote-worthy. The wisdom shared is something to be remembered. And in those times of despair, I'm reminded to turn to a Heavenly Father, who has so much more than I can ever think or image (Ephesians 3:20).
As Albert Einstein once said, “Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.”

Between the bad times and the good times are times of transition; a time where God is growing us up for the better days. He is training us; basic training so to speak, where we are preparing for a new level of living. Honestly, Pastor Keion says is so much better than I do...
Every problem, conflict, loss, disappointment, and painful circ*mstance we experience contributes to our basic training. God uses them to refine us. Through struggle we gain the strength we need for our success. It’s critical then that when we are having valley moments, when life looks bleak, we don’t lose our sensibilities and abandon our faith. In our frustration or anger or sadness, we must not succumb to evil or arrogance or detachment. We can’t shut down.
Because God is still speaking.
God remains present in our pain and is committed to teaching us what we need to know for the next step or level in our life journey.

Each chapter is headed with a "D" word: Death, Divorce, and Daddy Issues, Desperation, Decisions, etc. Pastor Keion openly shares personal situations in his life that, had he not been victorious in his choices, his life would have taken a drastic turn from where he is today. In one chapter, he tells of a situation where he life and death were literally in his hands. Most teenage boys would have made the wrong choice. But, Pastor Keion's decision saved two young men that day because he chose life.

Because, God DOES give you more than you can handle so that you can see that you can't do it without relying completely and totally on Him.

When we don’t address the shifts in our lives, especially those that involve major losses, then we inevitably try to fill the hole inside us in other ways. Such detours also prevent us from relying on God and learning what he wants to teach us in the process of shifting.

Each chapter is easy to read and allows the reader to really think about what they've been taking in. There are reflective questions at the end of each chapter so you can put what you've read into practice. And the chapter ends was an appropriate prayer regarding what you've read.
Personally, I'm not a non-fiction reader. However, I read this book in two days because it was THAT good. I highly recommend The Shift to everyone because life is forever throwing us curve balls that throw us into a tailspin and, in that tailspin, many of us miss the opportunities God gives us to grow through the situation and come out on the other side a better, healthier, and more whole person.
I’m convinced that’s the nature of shifting: surrendering what must be relinquished in order to embrace what God has for you next.


690 reviews10 followers

March 15, 2020

In the Shift, Keion Henderson explored the transition times and how we can deal with the shift and changes during these times. Keion describes how he was playing in the basketball Division I at Indiana University and how he had big dreams to become professional. During a game, he tore his ACL and his career was over. He opened up about how he became a minister and the setbacks he had to overcome. He explained what he felt during this shift and change in these different seasons. Throughout the meantime seasons, he learned how to deal with loss, disappointment, and painful circ*mstances. In these seasons, we have to rely on God’s strength and let him train us and heal us. In the book, he shared how he was raised by a single mother and how he learned who is father was. His father was a pastor of the church he attended and how he confronted his dad. His dad told him it had to stay between them. He shared how he felt rejected and not worthy enough of love since his father wouldn’t claim him. He opened up about how he tried to fill the void in the soul by getting married to an older woman with three children. He admitted he wanted to have an identity and she told him she would love him where he wouldn’t remember that his father wasn’t there for him. She couldn’t ever fill the void because she wasn’t meant to and they eventually got divorced. He shared with readers that we must heal from our pain first before we can truly give love to another person. He had a spiritual father who explained to him how to release the anger and hurt. He shared with him the story of Mephibosheth and how he didn’t get to know his own father, Jonathan and grandfather, King Saul they had both died. He was also dropped by his nurse and was now crippled. He shared how maybe Keion’s father was dropped by his own someone in his life long before he produced Keion. He learned through this that he had to forgive him and stop blaming him. He explained what he learned through this shift and how this made him stronger as a person.

I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is struggling in their current season and they need guidance on how to survive the shift. I love how open he was about his life and how he chose to forgive his father for all the hurt and pain. I believe it was very powerful in looking at Mephibosheth story and how we can in turn look at the bigger picture. We can recognize the difficult people we are having trouble forgiving might have been dropped by someone in their own life. I immensely believe many people will be able to relate to Keion’s story and be encouraged by his words to get through their own shift and seasons they will experience in their own lives. I really enjoyed the story he shared about the power of decisions and how he almost changed the course of his own life when he was in the sixth grade. I believe readers will be amazed at this story. I liked how he included a shift key section for each chapter that had a summary, questions, and a prayer. If you’re looking for encouragement during the shifts and seasons in your life, then read this book!

"I received this book free from the publisher, Faithwords/ Worthy Publishing for my honest review.”


283 reviews5 followers

March 26, 2020

Get this book and keep this book! The Shift will remind you God has your back, and despite your choices being limited at times, you still can help maximize a life of service that will align with God's gifts to you, God's purpose for you. Lighthouse Church Houston's Senior Pastor Keion Henderson wrote "The Shift: Courageously Moving from Season to Season" out of his own journey and generously interspersed his testimony of God's faithfulness with scriptural examples. Everyone tends to notice larger, less familiar life disruptions more than everyday ones, yet our lives are shifting all the time. The author reflects upon inevitable, subtler seasonal shifts along with cataclysmic, direction-reorienting ones.

Please remember—in order to move forward, you must not forget the past! Don't cut yourself off from its legacy, remember the lessons the past has taught us. Because God wastes nothing, those events still matter, and we need to draw upon older learnings for upcoming seasons. In a similar way, embrace and acknowledge disappointments small and large. Follow and appreciate the paths life's detours take you on. "Sometimes we need to adjust to an empty stage before it's re-set for the next act. ... Do not be afraid to weep over what has been lost in order to water the seeds already planted inside you."

I particularly love Pastor Keion's idea of documenting your journey with journaling, maybe with a physical memento (souvenir), possibly by identifying the song that moved you then. If you've achieved some chronology, you probably could have written some of these chapters, yet how helpful is it to have someone else validate what you know and feel, and especially have someone who's searched the scriptures affirm how to move on by referring to the witness of scripture?

From what you can discern, where do you need to be, what do you need to be doing right now to help God's future for you develop and unfold? Like the author's young daughter insisting she had to dance because "dancing's what we're supposed to do," we need dancing lessons from Jesus who's Lord of the Dance so we can learn to follow God's leading.

Each chapter concludes with questions for the reader and a prayer. Did I already tell you how much you need this book? Buy a copy, make it your own, buy a tall stack and gift them to everyone you know!

Notice of material connection: As a member of the launch team, I received a copy of The Shift at no cost to myself with no expectation I'd write a positive review. As always, my opinions are my own.

Monica H (TeaandBooks)

754 reviews69 followers

April 15, 2020

The Shift by Keion Hendrson is subtitled "Courageously Moving from Season to Season." Now is a good time to read this book and move with courage into the next season as we are nearly all in one sort of shift or another due to the corona virus pandemic.

The Shift starts out with an introduction as Henderson explains how he best hopes his book will resonate with the reader through sharing his story. Henderson does share his story in bets and pieces throughout the chapters of the book. He relates the many things that God has taught him throughout his life so far. However, he also relates to many of the people in the Bible through each chapter so that readers can ponder the stories of Jacob, the woman at the well, Adam and Even, Moses and many others. Each chapter ends with a short section entitled, Shift Keys in which he gives a brief summary of what he hopes you learned in the chapter, ask some key questions to help you relate the chapter to your own life and concludes with a prayer. Each chapter heading/subject also starts with a letter D: Desperation, Destiny, Determination, and Dominion, among others.

I hadn't heard of Keion Henderson before reading The Shift. He writes in a straightforward manner and he tells his story and the stories of those in the Bible and other famous people in a straightforward, easy-to-understand and easy-to-relate manner. I liked his approach. The book offers both advice and encouragement on living the Christian life better as life is continually changing. In reading The Shift, I especially liked his chapter on Documentation as he encourages us to write down and keep a record of the ways that God has worked in our life, which sounds good to this life-long journaler. As a whole, I liked the book and I found it encouraging and it reinforced a lot of the Christian beliefs that I have held through the years.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions expressed within this review are my own. #sponsoredbyfaithwords



181 reviews9 followers

March 24, 2020

Pastor Keion Henderson is a dynamic speaker, so it's not surprising that his book, The Shift, has the same feel. If you don't know who he is, pop on youtube. Life is always throwing things at us, whether it's a crisis within us personally to someone or some event around us. How we respond is key. As the author asks, do we shift or do we drift? Do we learn to trust God during this time of change or do we wander aimlessly? I found this a very encouraging and thought provoking book, especially during this time in my life. It seems the older we get, the more "shifting" tends to happen. Each chapter offers an opportunity to answer questions and reflect on what we've learned. The idea is to help guide us, to focus our attention on the One who can help during these trying times. My math teacher used to said, "Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll see you tomorrow." Knowing tomorrow isn't promised, I need to learn to live in the now, in the "mean time" of my life despite its challenges. A great read and very encouraging! I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. The honest opinions in this review are my own.

Angela Kreais

239 reviews17 followers

April 14, 2020

I got an email invitation to be part of Pastor Henderson’s exclusive launch team so I signed up! I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. All opinions are my own, any review is voluntary.

Personally I was dealing with a series of difficult situations at home. With my children, my husband, professionally, and top everything off with COVID-19 pandemic. I think this book came into my hands at the perfect time. I knew I am in a hard season, have been for longer than I want to admit. I tried applying some of the principals found in this book before even reading it but sitting down with intention really spoke to me.

I think one of the stigmas of being a Christian is the unrealistic expectation for holy perfection. Everyone has a past, a moment, a testimony. Christians are not without faults. Instead we are very human with normal feelings and problems. I really liked that Keion shared some moments where he wasn't at his best and how he had to move forward to get out of that shift. Makes him more relatable.

Since the book is set up like a devotional with each chapter ending in reflection questions and sample prayers, I tried to read the book slower than I normally do so it took me about 3 weeks. I wanted to use the book as intended and really think about what the scriptures and stories were saying to me. I did not read more than a chapter at a time.


110 reviews

February 22, 2021

I wanted to love it but I just didn’t. This was difficult for me to finish and I came SO CLOSE to DNF. The subject matter is great. But the writing seemed less developed and immature. This definitely felt like a first book. The author used a lot of Christian preaching cliches and idioms. Recognizing so many of those sayings, it was off putting and amateurish to me.

But, Keion Henderson shares some great personal and biblical parallels that teach on various aspects of managing the changes of seasons in our lives. Each chapter is written around a particular D word and the role it plays in seasonal shifts. Ex. Destiny, Determination. Development, Decisions, etc. I enjoyed his take aways about Jacob in the Bible and also liked that each halter ended with questions for discussion.

There were a few statements that I didn’t find biblical like “follow your heart,” etc. But overall, this was a good attempt. I think this is more a beginner book than one for believers with a more seasoned faith. I plan to have my teen son read it. But I wouldn’t recommend it for someone with more experience. I’d rate this 2.5


Carol Emmert

7 reviews

March 24, 2020

In his book, The Shift: Courageously Moving from Season to Season Keion Henderson reminds us that moving requires work. It also requires trust in God. "You can be free but still feel imprisoned...You can be rich but still feel poor."
So many of us today are in the midst of a shift, an in-between period when we wonder what to do or where to go. It is the time in between the things we understand where God does His most amazing work. This book offers hope for those currently experiencing a shift. Keion uses stories from his own life to illustrate a point, then cross-references it with those people in the Bible who whose lives were filled with the drama and strain of shifts.

At the end of the book you will hopefully find a peace that The Shift you are in was orchestrated by God to take you from where you were, to where He wants you to be. Learning how to watch God work, and listening for when He tells us to move ahead, or wait a while makes the shift a time of growth and new beginnings instead of pain and fear.

Donna Ford

9 reviews

March 24, 2020

A play on the word Shift occurs throughout this sparkling new book’s 216 pages. Henderson tells personal stories of his own physical shifts of job change, position and attitude. He relates the experiences of Biblical characters called by God to relocate (Abraham); face new responsibilities (Joseph); accept God’s ways that are hard to understand (Job). In addition there are twelve chapters with thought-provoking titles all beginning with “D” which often cause shifts to occur. For example: Decisions, Deliverance, Destiny.

Henderson includes quotes from Einstein, Rick Warren and Bishop T.D. Jakes. Shift Keys at the end of each chapter pose questions for the reader to consider.

With so much good advice/wisdom, you may never again allow disappointing circ*mstances to upset Shifts which God permits to help grow you into a leader.


959 reviews31 followers

March 26, 2020

The Shift is the perfect book for this season, especially as we are living in difficult times, never before have we experienced a pandemic that is affecting the very nature of our everyday life. This book was released at the perfect time. How we deal with different seasons and walk through them; is exactly what The Shift is about.

The Shift: Courageously Moving From Season To Season provides the reader with insights and practical advice on exercising grace in the shifts of seasons. With insights from the Bible and also real life stories, this book allows the reader to to find the book relatable.

This book breaths life and training for the reader as we walk through seasons that shift. This is the best book for the season that the world is living in. I highly recommend picking up a copy today.

Tammy Kennington

Author7 books18 followers

April 7, 2021

Written by pastor Keion Henderson, The Shift: Courageously Moving From Season to Season, is penned for those who are living “between”. Men and women who are grappling with the challenge of change; the movement of life. Whether they’re experiencing the shift from parenting as a couple to single parenting, living on a steady income to a fixed income, or surviving in the time of a worldwide pandemic, The Shift is a book that transforms hopelessness into opportunity.

Having grown up in the inner city and abandoned by his father, Keion Henderson knows about hardship. But he is also familiar with the change in perspective a person can have when we’re sure God has a purpose for our lives.

This book is one I’ll be adding to my Christmas list-especially for the men in my life. It’s powerful and timely.

Lance Lumley

Author1 book3 followers

March 14, 2020

Pastor Henderson challenges readers to embrace and work through their "shifts" in life and rely on God to help them in getting through them. The Shifts are the struggles and obstacles people face during their journeys to their destinations. He used Biblical stories, along with his personal life struggles, including his injury ending basketball career, to help the reader.
For an in depth review, visit my blog at :

Angela M. Artis

151 reviews13 followers

December 16, 2021

I listened to this, at the perfect time, during my shift. Battling anxiety along, due to my BELOVED Mother being diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer of the liver, stomach, and fatty tissue. Plus, dealing with issues of being on leave through my job.

Listening to this book has been a breath of FRESH AIR !!! Pastor Keion Henderson, is completely transparent, vulnerable and guides you through to receive YOUR BREAKTHROUGH !!! He explains how and why documentation is necessary.

I'd recommend this book to ANYONE, especially Believers. This is a GREAT LISTEN and/or Read.

victoria pistone

154 reviews1 follower

July 4, 2023

“God had a great race for you to run. Under his care you will go where you have never been and serve in ways you have never dreamed” - Max Lucado

This was quoted in this great book that really explains God truly has a plan for all of us. Blessing will come in His time if we just keep believing and praying. I admire the author telling his stories and giving encouragement and guidance to keep seeking God in our lives.

This book came at just the right time. God knew exactly when I needed to read it!

The Shift: Courageously Moving from Season to Season (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.