ESET Remote Administrator 6—FAQ / what's new? - Kennisbank / Legacy / Legacy ESET Remote Administrator (6.x / 5.x / 4.x) / 6.x (2024)

What's new?|Upgrade instructions|System requirements|Known issues|Support resources|Changelog

What's new in ERA 6.5?

The list below contains information about the most important new features in the latest version of ERA. For full list of improvements and changes, see theERA 6.5changelog.

ESET Remote Administrator 6—FAQ / what's new? - Kennisbank / Legacy / Legacy ESET Remote Administrator (6.x / 5.x / 4.x) / 6.x (1)

  • New Security Model/Multi-Tenancy—Fine-tune which devices and features each user can access and edit using customizable permissions sets. You can now grant read, use, and/or write permissions for specific users down to the policy, group or task level, which is particularly convenient in multi-tenant environments.
  • User Interface (UI) updates—ERA 6.5 includes a number of important updates to the UI, including:
    • Expanded Post-Installation Wizard:The wizard that was added inERA 6.4 has beenexpanded to include additionalsteps andlinks to relevant documentation.
    • Quick Links: The Quick Links menu has been moved to the top of the ESET Remote Administrator Web Console (ERA Web Console). From this menu, youperform common actions and access pertinentKnowledgebase content.
    • Static left-hand menu: The icons for the menu on the left side of the ERA Web Consolehave been updated. You can nowlock this menu in either the expanded or collapsed position.
    • Logo customization:You can now add third-party logotypes to the ERA Web Console for "co-branding"and/or "white-labeling".
  • Status Overview—The Status Overview section now showsinformation about “invalid objects," which aretasks that pointtowardnon-existentcomputers, computers with invalid licenses,or packages that areno longer availablein the repository. Task andnotifications without proper distribution addresses are also higlighted in the corresponding section of the UI.
  • Standalone deployment tool (ESET Package Installer)—The ESET Package Installer allows you to install ESET Remote Administrator Agent (ERA Agent), a selected security application (ESET Endpoint Antivirus, ESET Endpoint Security, ESETFile Security for Microsoft Windows Server, Exchange, Domino, andSharePoint products) together with the (now optional) ESET AV Remover. This deployment package can alsoinclude the license, configuration, and target group, among other available options.
  • Override Mode—When a setting is set by apolicy, a user can no longer edit this setting on the endpoint itself. For example, if Real-time file system protection is set, by policy, tostart automatically on clients running ESET Endpoint Security, it is not possible to pause this feature on a local machine on which this policy is enforced.However, Override Modeallows specific users (who know the security password) to temporarily“unlock” the endpoint for troubleshooting purposes. While Override Mode is enabled,you can do things like export orrequest configuration from ERAand convert it to policy—the active application ofERA policies will betemporarily postponed. When Override Mode is enabled, a specialstatus is displayedboth on the endpoint machine and in ESET Remote Administrator.
  • Apple iOS MDM improvements—You can now configure ESET Remote Administrator MDM Connector to automatically participate in the Device Enrollment Program (DEP). This meansthat you can order devices from Apple (assuming you are a member of Apple VPP) and automaticallyenroll theminto ERAMDM. This also allows you to maintain devices in "supervised mode,”meaningthey are fully managed (corporate owned).

    You also have the ability to controlinitial configuration of the device (what screens are shown to the user after powering on the device, for example); and ERA now offers the ability to whitelist and/or blacklist applications for iOS, which will control what applications an end user can or cannot install on their device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list ofFrequently Asked Questionsabout the latest version of ESET Remote Administrator:

  1. How do I install ERA?
    See the following Knowledgebase article:How do I install ESET Remote Administrator?
  2. Do I have to pay to upgradeERA?
    No, ESET customers with a valid business product license can upgrade to ERA 6.5for free.
  3. How to upgrade ERA to the latest version?
    See the following Knowledgebase article:Upgrade to the latest version of ESET Remote Administrator.
  4. Can I use ESET Endpoint version 5 products and/or ESET Business Edition products with ERA 6?
    You can manage version 5 products with ERA 6; however, new settings available in version 6 products will not be applied in older products. TheMigration Toolis a standalone application that provides a migration of ERA 4.x and 5.x data into an intermediate database and allows you to import it into ERA 6.x.

    Parametric Groups, static groups synchronized from Active Directory, tasks and Policies from earlier versions of ERA cannot be migrated to ERA 6 because of changes to the configuration layout. We strongly recommend that you record your policy settings for reference when upgrading from an earlier version of ERA.

    Data that the Migration Tool can export: Computers, static groups, policies, users, and logs(Threat, Scan, Firewall, DeviceControl, WebControl, Event).

  5. If I upgrade ERA from previousversion 5.x, can I keep my existing policy settings?
    Yes, you can migrate policies from earlier versions of ESET Remote Administrator. However, see the following list of limitations for policy migration:
      • Only policies from upper ERA server are migrated.

      • Only policy definitions are migrated, policy relations are not being migrated.

      • You will need to assign migrated policies to appropriate groups manually after the migration.

      • Hierarchy of policies is omitted. In case there is anoverride flagin your old ERA, this flag is converted to aforcein ERA 6 policy for that same setting.

  6. What are the system requirements and supported operating systems for ERA 6?
    Click the appropriate link below to view details about system requirements and supported operating systems:

  7. What are the Known Issues in ERA 6.5?
    See the following Knowledgebase article for Known Issues in version 6 business products:Known Issues in ESETRemote Administrator
  8. Can I use my Microsoft Access database or my MariaDB database with ERA 6?
    No, ERA 6 only supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and later or MySQL 5.5 and later. You can specify the database server that you want to use when you install ERA Server or ERA Proxy.
  9. I don't have an existing database—can I still use ERA 6?
    Yes—Microsoft SQL Server Express is included in the ERA 6 installation package. You have the option to install a new SQL Express database that will be configured for use with ERA 6 using default settings. Please note that Microsoft SQL Server Express has a 10GB size limit.

    You cannot install Microsoft SQL Server Express on a Domain Controller during ESET Remote Administrator installation. This is likely to happen if you are using Microsoft SBS. If you use Microsoft SBS, we recommend that you install ESET Remote Administrator on a different server or do not select the SQL Server Express component during the installation (this requires you to use an existing SQL Server or MySQL to run ERA database).

  10. How do I find my SQL server port number for use during installation?
    The most accurate way to check the port number used by your SQL server is to open SQL Configuration manager and navigate to TCP/IP properties under SQL Server Network Configuration.
  11. It is very difficult to tell if SQL Server installation is running—is it normal for installation to take longer than 10 minutes?
    This is normal. Depending on your system configuration, SQL server installation can take up to 1 hour. The ERA 6.5All-in-one installer now displays the estimated install time for components.
  12. During installation using my existing MySQL database, I receive the notification "The database server is not configured correctly. Please check the documentation and reconfigure the database server as needed".
    To resolve this issue, locate your MySQL configuration file (my.iniin Windows andmy.cnfin Linux). Open this file using a text editor and locate the[mysqld]section. Add a line to this section that readsmax_allowed_packet=33M. The value entered must be 33M or greater for installation to succeed.

    For MySQL 5.6.20 and 5.6.21:
    innodb_log_file_sizeneedsto be set to at least200 MB

    For MySQL >= 5.6.22:
    innodb_log_file_size*innodb_log_files_in_groupneedsto be set to at least200 MB
    (* is multiplication, a product of the two parameters must be >= 200 MB)

  13. I am getting an error message "The size of BLOB/TEXT data inserted in one transaction is greater than 10% of redo log size. Increase the redo log size using innodb_log_file_size. (1118)" or simillar in ERA Server trace log.
    To resolve this issue, follow the steps described in question 12above.
  14. The installer says I must install Microsoft .NET framework 3.5, however I cannot install it in Windows Server 2012 using the link provided. Why?

    The installer provided by this link cannot be used in Windows Server 2012 because of security policies present in Server 2012. Use theRoles and Features Wizardto install .NET 3.5 instead.

  15. I already have the Microsoft .NET 4.5 frameworkinstalled on my server—do I have to install Microsoft .NET 3.5?
    Yes, Microsoft .NET framework 4.5 is not backwards compatible, so you must install .NET 3.5 specifically.
  16. Can I deploy ERA 6 in a virtualized environment?
    Yes—ERA 6 is compatible with VMware, Hyper-V and Virtualbox virtualized environments. You can use the ERA 6 Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA) file to deploy ERA Server and ERA Proxy Server in your virtualized environment. See ourvirtualization FAQfor more information about using ESET products on a VM. For detailed instructions to install the ERAVirtual Appliance, see theESET Remote Administrator User Guide.
  17. Do I have to install the ERA Agent manually?
    No, ERA 6 can locate computers on your network and distribute the ERA Agent to them remotely. See the ESET Knowledgebase articleDeploy the ESET Remote Administrator Agent (6.x)for instructions to deploy the Agent to clients on your network.
  18. Can I use the ERA Agent to deploy ERA Proxy Server?
    No, ERA Proxy Server must be installed manually. You can, however, distribute the installer to target clients using email.
  19. Iam an ESETManaged Service Provider (MSP)—can I upgrade to ERA 6?
    ESET offers the following RMM plug-ins for use with ESET Remote Administrator versions 5.3 and later:Kaseya, ConnectWise Automate, ConnectWise Manage, Tigerpaw, Autotask.For more information, see theRemote Management product page.
  20. What is the benefit of ESET License Administrator?
    ESET License Administrator combines the different licensing credentials used by older ESET products into a single License key. This eliminates the need for license files that were used by ESETproducts in the past. Additionally, the ESET License Administrator portal allows a License Owner to administrate their license usage by creating Security Admin accounts. The License Owner maintains full control of license usage and can delegate control of license credentials to Security Admins who are able to manage specific users. For more information, see theESET License Administrator User Guide.

Available support resources

ESETprovides support in the form of User Guides, fully localized application help, online Knowledgebase, and applicable to your region, chat, email or phone support.

  • ESET Remote Administrator Online Help contains comprehensive reference information for system settings, configurations, installation scenarios and more.
  • email ESETtechnical support or for personalized assistance in North America.
  • Call619-630-2400ESET Remote Administrator 6—FAQ / what's new? - Kennisbank / Legacy / Legacy ESET Remote Administrator (6.x / 5.x / 4.x) / 6.x (2)(6:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time, Monday - Friday).
  • For other questions, such as troubleshooting, FAQs and tutorial videos, you cansearch the ESET Knowledgebase.
  • For ERAvideos, see theESETKnowledgebase YouTube channel.

ESET Remote Administrator 6.5.31 Changelog

  • Added: New Access Rights Management (Security Model) allowing multi-tenancy in ESET Remote Administrator (isolation of data), and more granular control over access to objects and tasks (ability to grant specific access to task types and new “use” access right)
  • Added: Apple Device Enrollment Program support & expansion of Apple Mobile Device management settings (including application control)
  • Added: New installers section, under “Admin” which contains all available installation packages. Live installers and SCCM/GPO deployment scripts are stored here for easy access.
  • Added: What´s new page for upgraded users informing them about major changes in ESET Remote Administrator 6.5
  • Added: Paging functionality for main web console screens (computers / threats) & reports
  • Added: “Quick links” & “Help” menus in the top bar of ESET Remote Administrator web console that feature relevant content
  • Added: “Last Used Tasks” context menu option, showing the last 10 executed tasks
  • Added: “Connect” context menu option, which allows the user to open a RDP to a target computer
  • Added: New Status Overview section with information about “invalid objects” (not configured notifications, invalid client tasks & server tasks)
  • Added: New filtering options to the “License Management” Screen (filter by license types & license flags)
  • Added: Option to enter custom logo to Web console and reports, by the means of co-branding and white-labeling (for MSP users)
  • Added: HASH of infected file with “first seen here” value (informs the user of when the file was present on the computer, even if it was prior to detection) added to threat details
  • Added: Option to download generated reports (as PDF, PS, CSV) directly from the web console
  • Added: Quarantine section with all aggregated quarantined files added to the “admin” section of the main menu
  • Added: Merging of lists in policies (all lists can now be merged based on the list type, actions to “append”, “prepend” and “replace” are available)
  • Added: Ability to import exclusions in policy editor for ESET Endpoint for Windows
  • Added: Ability to granularly configure which statuses will be displayed locally or reported to ESET Remote Administrator
  • Added: New standalone deployment tool that allows remote / silent push of all in one packages to the network
  • Added: Support for IBM qRadar (logs can now be natively exported in LEEF Format, which is recognized by IBM qRadar SIEM)
  • Added: Ability to generate an “offline repository” using the mirror tool (a full dump of all installers in the ESET Repository is performed)
  • Changed: It is now possible to create an all-in-one installer for Windows Endpoint, File Security for Windows Server, Mail Security for Exchange & Domino and SharePoint products (6.x variants)
  • Changed: Generated all-in-one installer packages now use the new product installer which is branded and clearly shows license, remote administrator server name and target group, included products and their initial configurations
  • Changed: New policy flags more clearly denote not applied, applied and forced settings
  • Changed: Renamed product-specific policies for better understanding (ESET Security product for Windows is now ESET Endpoint for Windows, ESET Security product for OS X & Linux is now ESET Endpoint for macOS (OS X) & Linux, ESET Security product for Android is now ESET Endpoint for Android
  • Changed: Enhanced reporting / report & notifications filtering options (ability to filter reports / threats by scanner, or event type)
  • Changed: Updated post-installation wizard
  • Changed: Main (left) menu expands / collapses on click and icons are updated for improved recognition
  • Changed: Virus Signature Database Update / Rollback task has been renamed to Module update task (together with the corresponding dynamic groups and context menu items)
  • Changed: Redesigned “Client Details” screen, for better readability and easier navigation including information badges for threats / alerts & installed applications
  • Changed: Client details / task executions shows the last execution time for each task on a selected client
  • Changed: Deploy Agent Screen now features the option to download a standalone deployment tool and select an existing (task / or various installer options)
  • Changed: Client tasks executions display the last execution / modification time for each task
  • Changed: It is possible to filter by “last status” in task executions or show only computers where the task is planned
  • Improved: Database redesign with increased performance (one server capable of hosting more than 200 000 computers on one physical machine, with installed webserver / web console, database server & ERA server). This generally improves product responsiveness for all customers
  • Improved: Automatic deletion of computers / manual computer removal from ERA can now trigger product deactivation (license seat removal)
  • Improved: It is possible to specify more report templates in the generate report task
  • Improved: Inherited policies are shown when the user clicks “manage policies” on individual client computers
  • Improved: Endpoint Scheduler configuration now includes all of the options from the local scheduler instance (actions after scan, ignoring exclusions …)
  • Improved: It is possible to trigger “shutdown after scan” for the on-demand scan client task in ERA web console
  • Improved: Ability to select security groups, for Web Control / Device Control configuration. Also, when values are saved, human readable name of the object, instead of SID is displayed (on Windows-based ERA installations only)
  • Improved: Changed behavior of removing a mobile device from management, where it is possible to stop managing a task without having the mobile application installed to be able to remove it (it still does not report “success”, however it is able to delete the machine without reappearing).
  • Fixed: An issue that made it impossible to install ESET Mobile Device Connector using MySQL ODBC driver version 5.1.5
  • Fixed: An issue that made it impossible to upgrade Agent on OS X 10.10 using a component upgrade task
  • Fixed: An issue that made it impossible to install ERA on Windows Server 2003, when a license key is added during installation
  • Fixed: Inability to upgrade from EFSW 4.5 to EFSW 6.x using the ERA “software install task” because the upgrade will fail due to a necessary restart
  • Fixed: When manually upgrading ESET Mobile Device Connector from version 6.1 to newer version on Windows, an error dialog is displayed.
  • Fixed: You cannot enroll the same device that has been previously enrolled and un-enrolled using the task "Stop managing / Uninstall ERA agent"
  • Fixed: Other bug-fixes and optimizations
ESET Remote Administrator 6—FAQ / what's new? - Kennisbank / Legacy / Legacy ESET Remote Administrator (6.x / 5.x / 4.x) / 6.x (2024)
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